Draft : for approval at 2003 Business Meeting







Empire Landmark Hotel

Vancouver, British Columbia

January 4, 2002



1. Introductions

President Eric Taylor called the meeting to order at 1713 hrs Friday January 4, 2002, using a referee’s whistle in appreciation for Pierre Magnan’s « natural » whistle at last year’s meeting, and noting that this device was particularly appropriate since Canada had won silver, not gold, in today’s junior hockey game. He suggested that future CCFFR Chairs use locally significant noisemakers, for example a cowbell for Chairs from Guelph.


2. Acknowledgements.

Eric Taylor thanked the long list of those who had contributed to the success of this year's meeting:

·        The Nomination Committee for nominating him as President, a duty he had enjoyed.

·        Scott Hinch as a Committee of 1, for the outstanding local arrangements – a round of applause ensued.

·        Jim Reist for the excellent program which had been developed through wide consultation, and Theresa Carmichael who had helped put the program together.

·        The guest speakers, John Fraser, Ken Beal, Jack Vallentyne and Pierre Pepin who between them had provided a very diverse and thought-provoking opening session.

·        All the presenters, questioners and session chairs who had kept the sessions on time.

·        Those who had contributed financially to the meeting, who were listed in the Program (see list at end of minutes).

·        Rob Mackereth who had taken on the Selection Committee Chairship for the Clemens Rigler Travel Fund this year and for years to come.

·        The Canadian Aquatic Resources Section of American Fisheries Society for managing the Clemens Rigler Fund, particularly President Martin Castonguay and Treasurer Dave Conley.

·        The Society of Canadian Limnologists for continuing to meet jointly with CCFFR; particular appreciation for the joint session on climate change.

·        The Department of Fisheries and Oceans for supporting the CCFFR Secretariat, and particularly Mary Allan, John Moores and Howard Powles.

·        Chris Taggart for maintaining the CCFFR web site.

·        The UBC students for their excellent work at the registration desk, on the audiovisuals and for overall organisational support.

·        UBC Media Relations who had helped to develop a press release on the meeting and get information on the meeting out to the press. It was noted by Peter Leavitt of SCL that several articles had appeared in media as a result of these efforts and that this corresponded to advice from this morning’s guest speakers to communicate science results to the public and decision-makers.


3. Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of the 2001 meeting were approved as modified (J. Lark/A. Curry).


4. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report for the year ending March 31, 2001 was tabled (attached), showing that CCFFR’s cash position had improved substantially with a balance at end of year of some $17,000.


Scott Hinch noted that local organisers should have access to funding in advance of the meeting (for example for deposits on meeting rooms) and it was agreed that a bank balance would be maintained to allow for this. Jim Reist noted that we were obtaining free web site maintenance from Chris Taggart and could consider underwriting this, and noted that obtaining translation services might be appropriate in future.


Chris Taggart has indicated that he would like to hand the web site maintenance on in the coming year. Leon Carl indicated that he would be prepared to consider this, depending on the work involved, and this was greeted with broad approval. Michael Fox indicated that Trent might be able to host the web site through an arrangement with a specialist there although there would probably be some expense. It was agreed that the Secretary Treasurer could use up to $500 to support maintenance of the web site (moved J. Lark, seconded J. Brown).


There was general agreement that the accumulated funds should be drawn down (keeping a reserve of around $10K) to support the Clemens Rigler Travel Fund, and that this should be done for St. John’s (2004) since travel costs were likely to be high.


The Treasurer’s Report was adopted unanimously.


5. Clemens Rigler Travel Fund

The report on operations of the Clemens Rigler Travel Fund for the 2001 meeting was tabled (attached), indicating that 32 awards totalling $10,600 had been made. Three students had not claimed awards and as a result a balance of $5700 remained on March 31, 2001.


Rob Mackereth, the new Chair of the CRTF Selection Committee, noted that 42 students had applied to the Fund for the current meeting, 3 had declined, so that 39 awards were made for a total of $18,050. The maximum award was $600.


It was noted that that maximum award would be inadequate for St. John’s and again the meeting agreed to use the accumulated CCFFR surplus to contribute to the CRTF in 2004.


The report was adopted unanimously.


6. Officers and Arrangements – 2003

President :                             David Noakes, University of Guelph

Program Chair :                     John Gunn, Laurentian University

Local Arrangements :                John Lark, Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa

Nominations :                       Warren Dunlop, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

                                                                (reports in 2002)


Christine Brereton reported for John Gunn on ideas for next year’s program. The meeting agreed on three themes from the list presented – Invasive species; studies of aquatic biodiversity at the landscape level; cumulative effects/multiple stressors. These would allow for good integration of CCFFR and SCL. John Gunn is open to considering further suggestions for next year’s program.


John Lark led the discussion on arrangements for next year. Jim Reist noted that many more oral presentations had been submitted than could be accommodated in the time available for oral sessions this year. Options for including more oral papers were considered. There was no support for reducing paper duration from 20 to 15 minutes and it was decided to extend the meeting an additional half-day. Accordingly the 2003 meeting will begin Thursday January 2, 2003 (registration mixer) and sessions will go January 3, 4 and to noon on Sunday January 5.


Concern was expressed at the potentially high room rates at the Westin (Ottawa) as participants might stay elsewhere and jeopardise the room nights needed to get free meeting rooms. Catered lunches as an option for getting more business to the hotel were discussed, as was moving to another venue (eg the National Museum) which did not seem feasible. The meeting agreed that John Lark should continue with the arrangements.


7. Officers and arrangements – 2004.

A message from Nominations Chair Warren Dunlop was presented by Eric Taylor. Officers nominated are :


President :                             Moira Ferguson, University of Guelph

Program Chair :                     Dave Scruton, Fisheries and Oceans, St. John’s

Local Arrangements :                Joe Brown/Bob Gregory/George Rose, Memorial University

Nominations :                       Bill Tonn

                                                                (reports in 2003)


These candidates were elected by acclamation.


There was considerable discussion on dates for the 2004 meeting and as a result of a vote the meeting will be on the weekend of January 8-10 rather than the preceding weekend. Exact duration and dates will be determined at next year’s meeting.


8. Venue – 2005

Scott Hinch indicated that Dan Heath, University of Windsor, might be interested in hosting the 2005 meeting. The meeting approved of this.


University of Calgary was named as a strong contender for the 2006 meeting.


9. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science

As a result of a decision at last year’s meeting the editors of CFJAS were invited to make a presentation to the meeting. Moira Ferguson indicated that the Journal was doing well and had celebrated its 101st birthday. The number of papers per year has stabilised. Approximately 400 pages per year are available for special issues, symposium publication etc, and Moira invited participants to make use of this for groups of related papers. Pierre Pepin noted that most other journals were increasing their number of pages; Moira indicated that CFJAS would take more if quality papers were submitted.


Moira acknowledged the work of the CJFAS office staff especially Holly Foster, students who assist, the associate editors, and the writers of articles, in maintaining the quality of the CFJAS.


10. Other business

Peter Leavitt thanked Scott Hinch for the manner in which the CCFFR and SCL programs were integrated this year.


Scott Hinch noted the importance of running the process earlier than in the past year and moved that the call for papers be sent out in July and the deadline for abstract submission be September 15, 2002. This was adopted unanimously. It was noted that the meeting should be advertised in CJFAS and elsewhere early in the year so potential participants were aware of the meeting well ahead of time.


11. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1835 hrs.