Program / programme

Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research (CCFFR) and annual meeting with Canadian Society of Limnologists (SCL)

Conférence canadienne de la recherche sur les pêches (CCRP) et assemblé annuelle de la Société Canadienne des Limnologues (SCL)

2002 Annual Meeting/Réunion annuelle

3-5 January/janvier 2002

Empire Landmark Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia


Thursday Evening, 3 January 2002                                      Coal Harbour Exhibition Hall


- Registration  / Inscription

- Social Mixer and Poster Installation  / Cocktail et installation des affiches


Plenary Session / Assemblú  plénière
Main Ballroom

Friday Morning, 4 January 2002     

Convenor – S. Hinch, UBC     


Welcome / Bienvenue

Eric Taylor, President CCFFR, UBC


Welcome / Bienvenue

Ken Beal, President American Fisheries Society


Guest  Speaker / Conférencier invité

 Honourable John A. Fraser, Chairman Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council


Program Announcements / Mise à jour du programme

 Jim Reist, Program Chair CCFFR, DFO-Winnipeg


Venue/Activities Announcements / Renseignements surles activités hors conférence

 Scott Hinch, Local Arrangements Chair, UBC


F.H. Rigler Lecture / Présentation par F.H. Rigler

 Jack Vallentyne (Johnny Biosphere), President of the International Association of Limnology (SIL, 1974-1980)

An Ecological and Evolutionary Solution to Problems Exacerbated by Runaway Demotechnic Growth


J. C. Stevenson Lecture / Présentation par J. C. Stevenson

Pierre Pepin, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, DFO-Newfoundland

Early Life Stages in Fisheries Research: A Perspective From the Larva’s Point of View




Friday Morning, 4 January 2002                                





Climate Change Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems

(Joint Session of CCFFR/SCL)

Convenors: Michael Power (Waterloo) and Roland Hall (Waterloo)

Fish Biology: Behaviour, Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics  (CCFFR)

Convenor: Chris Wood (DFO Nanaimo)


Global Climate Change: What’s Happening and What Can We Expect?

Hengeveld, H.G.



No  Place Smells Like Home When You Are In The Mood: Roles Of Thyroid And Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormones In Olfactory Imprinting In Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

Plate, E.M., C.C. Wood and C.W. Hawryshn


Hengeveld, H.G.

-continued (see above)

Energy Expenditures During Reproduction by Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) of the Early Stuart River Stock complex, British Columbia, Canada.  

Healey, M.C., R. Lake and S.G. Hinch


Arctic Ocean Environmental Variability: Recent Observations and it’s Potential Consequences to Biota

Carmack, E.

Selection For Elevated Metabolic Rates In Salmonid Hatcheries: Indirect Evidence From Otolith Microstructure

Reinhardt, U.G. and  T. Yamamoto


Carmack, E.

-continued (see above)

Differential Reproductive Success of Sympatric Naturally Spawning Hatchery and Wild Steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss

McLean, Jennifer E., Paul Bentzen and Thomas P. Quinn


Do Climate Change and Fisheries Cause Depensation in Sockeye Salmon Populations?

Schindler, D.E., P.R. Leavitt, W. Lew, R. Hilborn, T.P. Quinn and D.E. Rogers

The Comparative Behavior Of Wild And Hatchery Adult Steelhead In The Chilliwack River, BC: An Analysis Of Run Timing, Recapture Rates, Survival To Spawning, Spawning Behavior, And Survival To Kelt Using Radio Telemetry Techniques    Nelson, T.C.,  J. Rissling, C. Mussell, M.L. Rosenau and P. A. Caverhill






Friday Afternoon, 4 January 2002



False Creek

Burrard Inlet


Aquatic Toxins    (SCL)

Convenor: Michael Turner (DFO-Winnipeg)

Nutrient Limitation in Aquatic Ecosystems   (SCL)

Convenor: Jeff Hudson (Saskatchewan)


Barriers Potentially Obstructing Reinvasion of Biota into Lakes Recovering from Acidification - Experiences from an Experimental Ecosystem Study.

Turner, M.A., Hesslein, R.H., Trick, C.G., Findlay, D.L., Vinebrooke, R.D., McNicol, D., Watkins, E.M.

Setting Nutrient Guidelines for Streams.

Guy, M., Chambers, P.A., Roberts, E.S.


Methyl Mercury in Food Webs of Boreal Plain Lakes:  Influence of Catchment Disturbance.

Allen, E.W., Prepas, E.E., Gabos, S., Strachan, W.M.J.

Seasonal and Spatial Patterns of Nutrient Limitation in the Wapiti River, Alberta.

Depoe, S.L., Chambers, P.A., Devito, K.J.


Mercury Accumulation Patterns in Freshwater Ecosystems Explained by Passive Diffusion and Algal Membrane Permeabilities.

Petri, B., Mierle, G., McQueen, D.

Importance of Plankton Size in Nutrient Limitation.

Davies, J-M., and  Mazumder, A.


Effects of Water Quality Changes on Mobilization and Bioavailability of Existing Mercury Pools in Aquatic Ecosystems.

Petri, B., Mierle, G., McQueen, D.

Phytoplankton Nutrient Status Measurements in Lake Erie during May to October 1997.

North, R.L., Guildford, S.J., Charlton, M.N.


Effect of Hydrologic Residence Time on Complexation of Copper by Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM): Comparison with Allochthonous and Autochthonous End Members.

Luider, C., Curtis, P.J., Playle, R.C.

Effects of Inorganic Nutrients and Mixed-Layer Depth on the C:N:P Ratios of Sediments Produced from DOM-Rich Water.

Radomske, E.H., Curtis, P.J., Petticrew, E.L.





Effects of Microcystis aeruginosa and purified Microcystin-LR on the Feeding Behavior of Daphnia pulicaria.

Ghadouani, A , Pinel-Alloul, B., Plath, K, Lampert, W. , Codd, G.A

THEME - New Methods in Limnology  (SCL)

Convenor: Jeff Hudson (Saskatchewan)

The Analysis of Size Spectra: A Comparison of Different Statistical Methods.

Norton, G.M.B., Legendre, P., Boisclair, D., Pinel-Alloul, B.


Impact of Ultraviolet Radiation on Chaoborus Larvae.

Persaud, A.D.

Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Characterize Dissolved Organic Matter Quality for Planktonic Bacteria.  Cammack, W.K.L.,  Kalff, J., Prairie, Y.T.


No presentation

Field Validation of a New Fluorometer Capable of In Situ Determination of Algal Biomass and Taxonomical Classes.

Ghadouani, A., Pinel-Alloul, B., Carignan, R., Cattaneo, A.


No presentation

Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Size Distribution in a Precambrian Shield Watershed using High Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC).

Kothawala, D., Dillon, P., Evans, R.D.


No presentation

Rapid Estimation of Phosphate at Picomolar Concentrations.   Hudson, J.J.


Poster Session  (Coal Harbour Exhibition Hall)  See titles at end of program


CCFFR - SCL  Banquet (Ballroom)


Friday Afternoon, 4 January 2002



Ballroom East
Ballroom West


Climate Change Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems

(Joint Session of CCFFR/SCL)

Convenors: Michael Power (Waterloo) and Roland Hall (Waterloo)

Fish Biology: Behaviour, Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics


Convenor: Chris Wood (DFO-Nanaimo)

Contributed Paper Session 1

-Marine Habitat and Fisheries


Convenor: Guillermo Giannico (Oregon State U)


Size Variability of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.): Links to Environmental Conditions

Swansburg, E., G. Chaput,  D. Moore, D. Caissie  and N. El-Jabi,

The Architecture Of Fitness Traits In Salmonid Fishes: Genomic Approaches To Understanding The Genetic Basis Of Variation In Life-History Characters 

Ferguson M., K. Gharbi, C. Martyniuk, K. O'Malley, G. Perry, I. Somorjai, R. Woram and R. Danzmann

Changes In Finfish Community Structure Associated With The Implementation Of A Large Offshore Fishery Closed Area On The Scotian Shelf

Fisher, J.A. and K.T. Frank


Paleo-Optics: A Window Into The Ancient Light Fields Of Lakes

Pienitz, R., W.F. Vincent, E. Saulnier-Talbot

Superior Fitness For Precocial Males In Salmon

Gross, M.

Reproductive Allocation And Growth Of The Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) In

Salt Marsh Habitats Of New Jersey, USA.

Hunter, K.L. and M.G. Fox


Impacts Of Climate Change On Freshwater Fish And Fisheries

Shuter, B.J. and C.K. Minns

Migration Timing And Conservation Of Atlantic Salmon In Ireland

Quinn, T.P.

A Nutrient Limited Ecosystem Off Eastern Australia: Upwelling And Sewage Effects On Ichthyoplankton And Stable Isotope Composition

Suthers, Iain.


Effects Of Climate On Sulphate Fluxes From Forested Catchments In South-Central Ontario

Dillion, P.J. and M.C. Eimers

Conservation And The Evolutionary Genetics Of Seasonal Migrations In Fishes.

Tallman, R. F.

Marine And Estuarine Riparian Habitats And Their Role In Coastal Ecosystems, Pacific Region

Levings, C. and G. Jamieson


A Comparison Of Projected Climate Change Scenarios On Ocean Distributions Of Pacific Salmon

Welch, D.W.

Potential Mechanisms For Reproductive Isolation In Littoral And Pelagic Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis: A Hot Story!

Magnan P., R. Proulx, F.  Marched and J. Adams

Are Pacific Salmon Starving In The Ocean?

Trudel, M., S. Tucker and D.W. Welch






Friday Afternoon, 4 January, 2002



Ballroom East

Ballroom West


Climate Change Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems (cont.)

(Joint Session of CCFFR/SCL)

Convenors: Michael Power (Waterloo) and Roland Hall (Waterloo)

Fish Biology: Behaviour, conservation and Evolutionary Genetics (cont.) (CCFFR)

Convenor: Chris Wood (DFO-Nanaimo)

Contributed Paper Session  2

-Fish Habitat


Convenor: Guillermo Giannico (Oregon State U)


Paleoclimatic Trends In Northern Quebec And Labrador, As Inferred From Paleolimnological Data

Pienitz, R., M.- A. Fallu, T.E. Laing, E. Saulnier-Talbot, K. Ponader, K. Swadling, and  I.R. Walker

Tracking The Origins Of Coaster Brook Trout: Combining Telemetry And Genetic Profiles To Determine Source Populations

D'Amelio S., J. Mucha, R. Mackereth and C. Wilson

Impacts Of Low-Head Barriers On Stream Fishes: Selection For More

Headwater-Type Assemblages

Mclaughlin, R. L.


Opposite Effects Of  Sea-Surface Temperature On Survival Rates Of Salmon From Northern And Southern Areas

Mueter, F.J., B.J. Pyper and R.M. Peterman

Anadromous And Non-Anadromous Life History Strategies In Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

Adams B.K.  and J.A. Hutchings

Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) Habitat Utilization And Production Within A Small Headwater System In Newfoundland, Canada: Adapting To Life Alone

Clarke, K. D., D. A. Scruton, J. H. Mccarthyl, L. J. Cole, and R. A. Curry


The Past, Present And Future Of Prairie Droughts

Leavitt, P.R., G. Chen, J.A. Rusak, O.G. Olson, S. Wunsam, B.F. Cumming, and K. Laird

New Genetic Data For River-Sea-Type Sockeye Salmon In Western North America

Winans, G.A.,  E. Iwamoto and R.G. Gustafson

Experimental Studies Of The Effects Of Riparian Management On Communities

Of Small Streams: Establishing Causal Mechanisms.

Richardson, J. S. and P. M. Kiffney


Flip, Flop and Fry: Climate-Induced Variation In Keogh River Salmonid Carrying Capacity And Survival In The Ocean

Ward, B.R., D.J.F. McCubbing, D.W. Welch

Glacial Biogeography Of North American Coho Salmon

Smith, C.T., R.J. Nelson, C.C. Wood and B.F. Koop

Distribution And Biology Of Bull Trout Populations In Mountain Streams Of The Central And Southwestern Northwest Territories

Mochnacz, Neil J., James D. Reist, and G. Low.


The Role Of Temperature In The Survival Of Arctic Cod Larvae (Boreogadus saida) In The Northwest Water And The North Water Polynyas

Sirois, P.  M. Ringuette, L. Fortier, V. Perron, M. Fortier and J. Gagne


Molecular Identification Of Sculpins (Cottus) In The Canadian Portion Of The Columbia Basin

McPhail, J.D.

Use Of Topographic Indices To Predict Potential Brook Trout Habitat In Lakes On The Canadian Shield

Borwick, J.A.,  M.S. Ridgway and J.M. Buttle


Poster Session  (Coal Harbour Exhibition Hall)  See titles at end of program




CCFFR - SCL  Banquet (Ballroom)




Saturday Morning, 5 January, 2002


Ballroom East


Ballroom West


Ricker Symposium


Convenor: D. Noakes (U.Guelph)

Aquatic Ecological Research: Scaling, Society and Priorities

(Joint Session of CCFFR/SCL)

Convenors: Leon Carl (MNR-Ontario) and Peter Leavitt (Regina)

Contributed Paper Session 3

-Salmon Biology


Convenor: Rick Taylor (Zoology UBC)


Title and authors TBA

The Role of Colonization Patterns and Engineering by Beaver in Structuring Fish Communities of Canadian Boreal Shield Lakes.

Bertolo, A. and P. Magnan

Comparison Of Estimates Of Optimal Spawner Abundance For Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Based On Productivity Of Nursery Lakes And Stock-Recruitment Analyses, Taking Uncertainty Into Account

Bodtker, K.M., R.M. Peterman and  M.J. Bradford


Title and authors TBA

Influence Of Environmental Features On Fish Assemblages Across Multiple Spatial Scales In A River Basin.

Deschênes, J. and  M.A. Rodríguez

Mechanisms For The Regulation Of Population Abundance Of Rainbow Trout In Lakes

Parkinson, E. A.,  J.R. Post,  P. Biro and  N.T. Johnston


Recruitment Dynamics In Yellow Perch: Phenomenological Description And

Mechanistic Understanding

Post, J.R., L.G. Rudstam and J.R. Forney

Integrated Ecosystem- and Watershed Management for Sustainable Clean and Healthy Drinking Water at the Source.

Mazumder, A.

A Genetic Evaluation Of The Factors Affecting The Breeding Success Of Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka

Mehranvar, L. and M. Healey


Sexual Size Dimorphism Of Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum)

Henderson, B.A., N.C. Collins, G. Morgan, and A. Vaillancourt

A Whole-Lake Synthetic Estrogen Addition Experiment to Assess Effects of a Hormone Mimic on Aquatic Populations.

Kidd, K., and 19 others

The Impact Of Geographic And Habitat Complexity In Organizing Genetic Variation And Differentiation In Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

Tamkee, P., E. A. Parkinson and E.B. Taylor


Habitat Use Of Juvenile Atlantic Cod In A Coastal Area Of Newfoundland As Determined By 2-D Telemetry

Cote, D. , L.M.N. Ollerhead, D.A. Scruton, and R.S. McKinley

Evaluating Juvenile Chum and Chinook Salmon Habitat in Burrard Inlet.

Haggarty, D. and M. Healey

A Decision Analysis Framework For Comparing Experimental Designs Of Projects To Enhance Pacific Salmon

Macgregor, B.W., R. M. Peterman and B. J. Pyper







Saturday Morning, 5 January, 2002


Ballroom East


Ballroom West


Ricker Symposium (cont.)


Convenor:  D. Noakes (Guelph)

Aquatic Ecological Research: Scaling, Society and Priorities (cont.)

(Joint Session of CCFFR/SCL)

Convenors: Leon Carl (MNR-Ontario) and Peter Leavitt (Regina)

Contributed Paper Session 3 (cont.)

-Salmon Biology


Convenor: Rick Taylor (Zoology UBC)


Bias In Fish Relative Abundance Using Horizontal-Scanning Approach Due To Distance.

Brind'Amour, A. and D. Boisclair

Using Nitrogen Isotopes to Distinguish Diffuse from Point-Source Nitrogen Inputs into Riverine Food Webs: Can Fish Eat Pigs?

Anderson, C., and G. Cabana

Evolution Of Fighting Behaviour Under Asymmetric Competition: An Experimental Test With Juvenile Salmonids 

Young, K. A.


Development Of Field Deployable Turbulence Measurement Devices And Their Applications To Stream Ecology

Yonemitsu, N. and T.M. Hoover

From Land to Water and Back: Tracing the Incorporation of Aquatic Secondary Production into Terrestrial Food Webs with Stable Isotopes.

Cabana, G., and W. Giroux

A Spatially Explicit Fitness Based Model For Predicting The Migratory Behavior In Fishes With Ontogenic Migrations. A Case Study Of The Marine Migration Of Sockeye Salmon From The Fraser River

Huato, L.


An Examination Of The Varying Life History Characteristics Of Three Ontario Lake Herring(Coregonus artedii) Populations

Vascotto, K., B. Shuter and D. Jackson

Assessment of Restoration Potential for Fish and Riparian Plant Communities in the Willamette River in Oregon.

Gregory, S.V.  

Is Scale An Issue? Using Underwater Stereo Videography To Study The Effects Of Hydraulic Condition On Energy Use In Up-River Migrating Salmon

Standen, E. M. and S. Hinch


Inter-Annual Variation In Burbot Cohort Abundance In Columbia Lake, British Columbia

Josh L. Taylor

Spatial Scale Considerations For Assessing And Managing Risk Of Hydrologic Impacts To Stream Fish Habitat In Ontario’s Boreal Forest

Mackereth, R.W., D.J. McCormick and K.D.  Strilchuk

Adaptive Energetics And Morphology Of Migrating, Adult, Fraser River Sockeye: The Role Of Migratory Distance And Elevation 

Crossin, G. and S. Hinch






Saturday Afternoon, 5 January, 2002



Ballroom East

Ballroom West


Productive Capacity of Aquatic Habitat


Convenor: R. Randall (DFO-Ontario)

Contributed Paper Session 4



Convenor: Mike Healey (Oceanogr. UBC)

Contributed Paper Session 5

-Fish Ecology


Convenor: John Richardson (Forestry UBC)


Habitat Productive Capacity Research In Freshwaters Of Newfoundland: Progress Towards Refining Fluvial And Lacustrine Habitat Relationships In A Depauperate Fish Assemblage

Scruton, D., A. and K., D. Clarke

A Decision Analysis Of Adaptive Management Experiments For Whitefish

Management In The Columbia River: Is It Worth Varying Flows To Reduce Key


Alexander, C., P. Higgins, D. Marmorek and C. Peters

Inter-Annual Comparison Of Size-Selective Mortality Of Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) Due To Predation By Landlocked Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) In Lac Saint-Jean

Tremblay, G., P. Sirois and M. Legault


The Roles Of Uncertainty And Complexity In Assessing Net Change Of Productivity Capacity Of Fish Habitats

Minns, C.K.

Trawler Targeting In The North Sea

Gillis, D.M., A.D. Rijnsdorp and J.J. Poos


Effect Of Turbulence On The Costs Of Swimming In Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

Enders, E.C., D. Boisclair and A.G. Roy


Aquatic Science For Managed Landscapes: Where Is Our Habitat Habit At?

Steedman, R.

Ecological Basis Of TAC Determination For Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) In Lake Huron

Crawford, S., K. McCann and A. Muir

Habitat Utilization Patterns Of A Nearshore Fish Community; Implications For Habitat Management

Pratt, T.C. and K.S. Smokorowski


ETD (Erosion, Transport, Deposition), A Unifying Concept For Classification Of Fish Habitat And Predicting Productive Capacity

Franzin W., G., and P. A. Nelson

Growth And Reproduction Of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis): Life

History Strategies

Beauchamp, K., B.A. Henderson and N.C. Collins

Impact Of Six Years Of White Sucker Biomanipulation On Fish Communities Of Five Canadian Shield Lakes

St-Laurent, M.H., P. Magnan and M. Legault


Eco-Physical Habitat Classification For Large, Gravel-Bed Rivers: A Tool For Research And Management.

Rempel, L. and M. Church

Annual Repeatability In Determining Life History Traits:  Implications For Predicting Population Parameters From Lake Characteristics

Purchase, C.F., N.C. Collins, B.A.  Henderson, and G.E. Morgan

Benthic And Pelagic Feeding Behaviour Of Lacustrine Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Revealed By Stable Isotope Analysis In Relation To The Presence Of Introduced Species

Caron, M., G. Cabana and P. Magnan






Saturday Afternoon, 5 January, 2002



Ballroom East

Ballroom West


Productive Capacity of Aquatic Habitat


Convenor: R. Randall (DFO-Ontario)

Contributed Paper Session 6

-Fish Populations


Convenor: Mike Healey (Oceanogr. UBC)

Contributed Paper Session 7



Convenor: John Richardson (Forestry UBC)


The Effectiveness Of Different Sampling Techniques In Identifying Associations Of Fish With Differing Habitats In Inland Lake Littoral Zones.

Smokorowski, K.E., M. Ridgeway and J. Hume

Phylogeography, Local Population Structure And Conservation Genetics Of Arctic Grayling  (Thymallus arcticus) In North America

Stamford, M. D. and E.B. Taylor

Ecotypic Variation In Rainbow Trout Morphology

Keeley, E.R., E.A. Parkinson and E. B. Taylor


Hydroacoustic Assessment Of Spatial Variability Of The Influence Of Moon Phase On Fish Abundance

Gaudreau, N. and D. Boisclair

Spatial And Temporal Patterns Of Population Structure In Atlantic Herring

McPherson, A., P.T. O'Reilly, M. Jones and C.T. Taggart


Mating Strategies In Coastal Cutthroat Trout  (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki):

Implications For The Conservation Of Small Populations

Costello, A. B.


Productive Capacity Of Eelgrass Habitat For Juvenile Atlantic Cod

Gregory, R.S., D.C. Schneider and B.J. Laurel

Genetic Stock Structure Of Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) In The Lower Great Lakes: Comparison Of Population-And Individual-Based Analyses

Wilson, C.

Using Geographic Models To Apply Limited Genetic Information To Species Conservation

Parkinson, E.A., E. Taylor and E. Keeley


Reconstruction Of Time-Varying Productivity Of Sockeye Salmon Stocks In Bristol Bay, Alaska, Using Smoothed Kalman Filter Estimates

Peterman, R.M., and B.J. Pyper

The Allometry Of Cannibalism In Piscivorous Fishes

Juanes, F.

Inbreeding Depression In Pacific Salmon: The Myth And Reality

Heath, D.D., C.A. Bryden, J.W. Heath, E. Fillatre, L. Duke and J.M. Shrimpton


Growth And Production Of Young-Of-The-Year Arctic Grayling In Natural And Artificial Tundra Streams

Jones, N.E., W.M. Tonn, G. Scrimgeour and C. Katopodis

Mechanisms Involved In Trophic Polymorphism Of Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis

Proulx, R. and P. Magnan

Home Ranges And Trophic Relationships Of Muskellunge Associated With A Dam

And Reservoir: The Continuing Saga Of An Unwelcome, Introduced Predator

Curry, R. A. and C. Doherty


CCFFR Business Meeting




Saturday Morning, 5 January 2002


False Creek


Invertebrates, Macrophytes, Lakes and Reservoirs   (SCL)

Convenor: Rick Nordin (MWLAP-BC)


Limnological Ecoregions for British Columbia.

Nordin, R. N., Perrin, C.J.


Black Fly Larvae Link Lacustrine and Riverine Food Webs in Lake Outlet Streams.

Parkes, A., Kalff, J., Cabana, G.


PCO2(aq) Reconstruction from Diatoms in Lakes: Paleoecological Indication for the Contribution of Groundwater into Lakes and the Behavior of Lakes in Global Climate Warming.

Philibert, A., Prairie, Y.T.


Patterns in Submerged Macrophyte Structure and Invertebrate Abundance.

Rennie, M.D. Jackson, L.J.


Invertebrates Associated to Different Types of Aquatic Vegetation in the St. Lawrence River: Implications for Water Level Changes.

Tessier, C., Cattaneo, A., Pinel Alloul, B.




Macrophyte and Water Quality Relationships in Southern Ontario Rivers.

Carr, G.M., Taylor, W.D., Duthie, H.C.


Reservoir Drawdown: Implications for Benthic Communities and Drinking Water Quality.

Furey, P.C., Mazumder, A., Nordin, R.


Zooplankton Feeding Behaviors in Lakes and Reservoirs Inferred by Stable Isotopes.

Matthews, B., Mazumder, A.


Effects of Seasonal Drawdown on a Drinking Water Reservoir:  Responses of Pelagic Phosphorus Pathways.

Nowlin, W.H., Davies, J.M., Mazumder, A.




Saturday Afternoon, 05 January 2002


False Creek


Patterns in Long-term Time Series: Analyses, Insights and Applications  (SCL)

Convenors: Charles Ramcharan (Louisiana) and James Rusak (Regina)


Changes in the North Pacific Zooplankton Community off British Columbia: Time and Space Scales.

Mackas, D.L. (invited)


Scaling of Environmental Variability in Lakes and Rivers.

Cyr, H. (invited)


Patterns and Trends in Sudbury Area Water Chemistry.

Futter, M.N., Keller, W., Heneberry, J. (invited)


Multi-Scale Control of Prairie Lake Nutrient Cycling and Production.

Rusak, J.A., Leavitt, P.R., Graham, M.D., McGowan, S., Wunsam, S.,  Cumming, B.


Detecting Effects of a Perturbation using RIA and DLM.

Ramcharan, C.W., Lamon, C.




Were Antifouling Paints Culpable in the Collapse of One of Europe’s Finest Shallow Lake Ecosystems?

Jackson, M.J. , Sayer, C.D., Waldock, M.J., Simpson G.L., Boyle, J.F., James, R.


Effects of Drought-Induced Acidification on Diatom Communities in Acid-Sensitive Ontario Lakes.

Faulkenham, S.E., and Hall, R.I.


Paleolimnological Reconstruction of Change in Two BC Reservoirs.

Bos, D.G., Stockner, J.G.


Life History Variation in Lake Trout, Salvelinus namaycush, in Great Bear Lake, NWT: Implications for Future Research and Management.

Howland, K.L., Tallman, R.F.


Fungal Biomass and Rates of Production on Standing Dead Litter Of Scirpus in a Prairie Wetland.

Verma, B.,  Robarts, R.D.


SCL Business Meeting


Poster Displays (Coal Harbour Exhibition Hall)

Poster Installations  Thursday, 3 January, 2002 18:00-21:00

Poster Presentations  Friday, 4 January, 2002 17:00-19:00



Thermal Preferences Of Two Forms Of Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis

Adams, Julie and Pierre Magnan



Alfonso, Noel R. and Brian W. Coad.


Effect Of Summer Floods And Spatial-Temporal Scale On Growth And Feeding Of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon

Arndt, S.K.A., R.A. Cunjak and T.J. Benfey


Lake Origin Of Endako River Kokanee Spawners

Benckhuysen Justus, Tim Slaney, and Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council


Comparison Of Growth In Whitefish Dwarf And Normal Morphotypes (Coregonus clupeaformis) Using Biochemical Indices

Berthelot, H. and H. Glémet,


Age And Growth Of Lake Charr, Salvelinus namaycush, From Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories, In Relation To Diet

Blackie, C., D. Weese and D.L.G. Noakes


The Thermal Habitat Of Lake Trout In Small Boreal Lakes: Projected Implications Of Climate Change

Blanchfield, P.J., R.H. Hesslein and W. Jansen


Indicator Species In Freshwater Streams: A New Approach To Biomonitoring

Bondar C. and J.S. Richardson


Comparison Of Point And Line Transect Methods For Surveying Fish Assemblages In Littoral Habitats Of The Lower Great Lakes

Boston, Christine M.,  Robert G. Randall, and Charles K. Minns


Muscle Absorption/Loss In Sexually-Mature Chinook Salmon: The Apoptotic Link

Busch, Christopher, Daniel Heath, Andrew Hubberstey  and John Heath


Seascape Effects on Local, Fine Scale Genetic Structure of Marine Nearshore Fishes:A Molecular Genetic Approach to Understanding the Dispersal of the Bay Pipefish (Syngnathus leptorhyncus)

de Graaf, Ramona C.


Looking Back In Time Through The Mitochondrial DNA Kaleidoscope: Origin And Demographic History Of A Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) And Bull Trout (S. confluentus) Hybrid Zone

Elz, Anna and Eric B. Taylor


Sublethal Effects Of A Thiamine Deficiency On Larval Lake Trout - Moving Beyond Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS)

 Fitzsimons, J., B. Williston, G. Fodor, G. Bravener, L. Brown, and S. Brown


A Generic Framework For Setting Conservation Limits In Fisheries Management

Fu, Caihong and Chris Wood


The Effect Of Suspended Sediment On Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Fertilization Success

Galbraith, R.V., E.A. MacIsaac, and A.P. Farrell


Juvenile Coho Salmon In The Salmon River Watershed: Seasonal Distribution And Habitat Use

Giannico, Guillermo R.  and Kathryn Staley


Effects Of Leaf Litter And Forest Cover On Colonisation Patterns Of Stream Invertebrates

 Gjerløv, C. and J.S. Richardson


Quantifying Spatial And Temporal Uncertainties In The Abundance Of Larval Lampreys And Their Effect On Chemical Treatment Success In The St. Marys River

Haeseker, S.L. and M.L. Jones,


Predicting Relative Effects Of Forest Management On Coastal Fish Stream Habitat

Heinzelmann, Frank


Sounding Out Fish:  Distribution And Abundance Of Whitefish Near Douglas Point, Lake Huron

Holmes, J.A., S.S. Crawford, D.L.G. Noakes and D.A. Wismer


A Rule-Based Model For The Evaluation Of Invertebrate Transport Processes In Streams

Hoover, T.M., and N. Yonemitsu


Life History Variation In Lake Trout, Salvelinus namaycush, In Great Bear Lake, NWT: Implications For Future Research And Management

Howland, K.L., and R.F. Tallman


Postglacial Dispersal Patterns And Genetic Relationships Among Inconnu Populations In The Western Arctic

Howland, K.L., J.D. Reist, W.M. Tonn and R.F. Tallman


To What Degree Can Cod (Gadus morhua) Larvae Buffer Against A Change In Temperature During Development Jordaan, A. and L.J. Kling


Linking Riparian Tree Species Composition To Stream Community Dynamics: Effects On Fungal Biomass And Invertebrate Diversity, Density And Productivity

Kolodziejczyk, R.I. and J.S. Richardson


Field Measurements Of Swimming Performance And Metabolic Expenditure With Hatchery-Reared And Transgenic Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) In Comparison With Wild Sockeye Salmon (O. nerka)

 Lee, Chris G., Anthony P. Farrell, Scott G. Hinch and Michael Healey


Swimming Performance And Energetics Of Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) And Pink Salmon (O. gorbuscha)

MacNutt, Meaghan,  Scott Hinch and Tony Farrell


Behavioral Thermoregulation In Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) With Applications To Predicted Impacts Of Global Warming

Mackenzie-Grieve, Jody and  J.R. Post


Assessing Risk Of Hydrologic Impact To Stream Fish Habitat In Ontario’s Boreal Forest: A Comparison Of Catchment Scales And Disturbance Types

McCormick, D.J., R.W. Mackereth and K.D. Strilchuk.


Phylogeography And Postglacial Dispersal Of Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis Complex) In North America

McDermid, J.L., J.D. Reist and R.A. Bodaly


Habitat Preferences, Movement Patterns, And Home Ranges Of Coaster Brook Trout In Lake Superior

Mucha, J.M. and R.W. Mackereth


Aquatic Insect Diversity And Productivity In Intermittent And Continuously-Flowing Streams

Muchow , Christine L. and John S. Richardson


Shortjaw Cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) in Manitoba Waters

Murray, L. and J. D. Reist


Ecosystem-Based Management Of Canada’s Oceans: Objectives, Indicators And Reference Points

O’Boyle, R., G. Jamieson, J. Arbour, D. Cobb, S. Courtenay, R. Gregory, C. Levings, J. Munro, I. Perry and H. Vandermeulen


Fish Winterkills Shape Amphibian Recruitment In Western Boreal Lakes

Paszkowski, C., B. Eaton, W. Tonn and A. Danylchuk


Individual and Population Variation in Gamete Viability in Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Populations

Patterson, D.A.,  J.S. Macdonald, H.E. Herunter and A.P. Farrell


The Distribution and Abundance of the Salish sucker (Catostomus sp.) and Nooksack Dace (Rhinichthys sp.)

Pearson, Mike and M.C. Healey


Variation In Contribution Of Energy Sources To Growth Of Juvenile Chinook Salmon In Small Boreal Streams: A Dynamic Approach Using Stable Isotopes

Perry, Russell W.,  Michael J. Bradford and Jeffrey Grout


Growth And Survival Of Atlantic Cod Larvae From Two Latitudinally Separated Populations In A Common Garden Experiment - Preliminary Results

Puvanendran, V. and J.A. Brown


Are Densities And Recruitment Rates Of Wild Rainbow Trout Different Among Populations, And If So, Which Mechanisms Could Be Responsible?

 Rejwan, C., J.R. Post, and E. Parkinson


Movement And Genetic Relatedness Of Coastal Cutthroat Trout In Small, Coastal British Columbia Streams

Roberge, Michelle,  Scott G. Hinch, E.B. Taylor, Tim Slaney, Stolo First Nations


Genetic Analysis Of Hybridization Between Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) And Introduced Rainbow Trout (O. mykiss) In The East Kootenays Of British Columbia

Rubidge, Emily M., Peter Corbett, and Eric B. Taylor


Chinook And Coho Spawner Enumeration In The Squamish Watershed

Sander, B.C., and R. Lewis


Exotics Impede Atlantic Salmon Restoration

Scott, R. J., D.L.G. Noakes , F.W.H. Beamish and Leon M. Carl


Nest Site Selection In The Wild By Cultured Atlantic Salmon

Scott, R. J., D.L.G. Noakes and F.W.H. Beamish


Influence Of Riparian Vegetation And Soils On Stream Macroinvertebrate Communities In Coastal Headwaters Of British Columbia: Providing Perspectives For Riparian Management

Sleeman, J.D.


Assessing Nearshore Fish Community Associations With Differing Habitat By Using An Underwater Video Camera

Smokorowski, K. E., T. Pratt, J. Muirhead, L. Jones, W. Gardner and J.R.M. Kelso


Linking Values, Risk, Precision, Scale And Level Of Effort Into A Framework For Managing Streams For A Net Gain In Productive Capacity For Streams

Stanfield, Les W., Bruce Kilgour,  Jacques Whitford and  Jack Imhof


Community Metabolism: Properties Of Scale (Size/Shape And Data Analyses)

Taub, Frieda B., John E. Petersen, W. Michael Kemp, and Debbie Hinkle


Visual Pigments As A Quantitative Measure Of Preparedness For Smoltification In Coho Salmon

Temple, S.E., C.W. Hawryshyn and T. Haimberger


Physical, Chemical, And Biological Characteristics Of  Barrenland Tundra Streams Of The Northwest Territories 

Tonn W., N. Jones and G. Scrimgeour


Angler-Induced Changes In Size- And Age-At-Maturity In Size-Structured Populations: Individual And Population Level Impacts

van Poorten, B.T. and J.R. Post


The Introduction Of Northern Pike Into A Fishless Boreal Lake: Does A Diet Of Leeches Affect Predators Or Prey?

Venturelli, P. and W. Tonn


Physiological Impact Of Different Levels Of Salmon Lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) Infestation On The Cardiac Output And Swimming Performance Of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

Wagner, G.N., R.S. McKinley, P.A. Bjørn , B. Finstad


Effects Of Managed Buffer Zones On Aquatic Fauna And Habitat Associated With A Headwater Stream In Newfoundland

Wells, J., D. Scruton and Joseph Brown


The Effect Of Ammonia Exposure On Ammonia Metabolism And Immune System Response Of Chinook Salmon Smolts

Wicks, B.J., P.A. Ackerman, G.K. Iwama, and D.J. Randall


Mitochondrial Phylogeography Among Great Lakes Populations Of The Deepwater Sculpin, Myoxocephalus thompsoni.

Wilson, C., J. Casselman and N.R. Lovejoy


Distribution And Movement Of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Within And Between Headwater Tributaries In A Discrete Lake Basin In South-Central Ontario

Wootton, B. and D.O.  Evans


Genetic Evidence Of Metapopulation Structure In Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Inhabiting Small Tributaries Of Two Precambrian Shield Lakes In South-Central Ontario

Wootton, B., D.O. Evans and C. Wilson


Lake Fertilization As A Restoration Technique For Columbia Basin Kokanee

Wright, M.E. and S.K.A. Arndt


Towards Understanding The Diversity Of Fish Assemblages In Eelgrass, Zostera-Marina L, Ecosystems In British Columbia

Yakimishyn J. and C. Robinson


Effects Of Salmon Carcasses On An Ecosystem Function - Leaf Litter Decomposition

Zhang, Y., J. Negishi, R.I. Kolodziejczyk and J.S. Richardson


Effects Of Prey Size, Mobility And Habitat Structure On Prey Selection By Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus)

Zhao, X., M.G. Fox and D.C. Lasenby




Implicit Treatment of Spatial Autocorrelation in Redundancy Analysis (RDA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA).

Norton, G.M.B. , Legendre, P., and Makarenkov, V.


Speciation Modelling of Copper in Photolyzed Natural Waters using Potentiometric Techniques in a Continuous Flow Reactor. 

Mills, B., Dillon, P., and Evans, R.D.


Natural Organic Matter (NOM) in Source Water Reservoirs and Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) in Drinking Water. 

Liang, Y. and Mazumder, A.


Evaluating a Volunteer-Based Sampling Program to Detect Bythotrephes in Ontario Inland Lakes.

Boudreau, S., MacDonald, F., and Yan, N.D.


δ15N  of Aquatic Invertebrates Reflects Contrasting Land Uses and Anthropogenic Nitrogen Inputs on Small Watersheds. 

Bertrand,  M. and Cabana, G.


Paleoecological pCO2(aq) Reconstruction From Diatoms in Lakes.

Philibert, A.,  Enache, M. and. Prairie, Y.T.


Comparing Paleolimnological Reconstructions with Observed Ice-Jam Flood Frequency, Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta. 

Wolfe, B.B., Paterson, A., Karst, T., Hall, R.I., McGowan, S., Leavitt, P.R., Vardy, S.R., Edwards, T.W.D., and Last, W.M.


Biological Indicators (Diatoms, Pigments, Pollen, Macrofossils) for Assessing Hydrological Changes in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Alberta).

Karst, T. , Paterson, A., Hall, R.I., McGowan, S., Leavitt, P.R., Vardy, S.R., and Wolfe, B.B.