[ Research Interests → Shelf Modeling and Operational Forecasting ]

Shelf Modeling and Operational Forecasting:

I am keen to see models used for practical applications. The storm surge model mentioned above (developed by Josko Bobanovic as a graduate student working with me in the late 1990s) has been transferred to Environment Canada for operational use and is now an integral part of their flood warning system. The model is subject to ongoing evaluation. For example Bobanović, Thompson, Desjardin and Ritchie (2005) recently showed that the model can provide accurate (better that 10 cm) forecasts of storm surges along the eastern seaboard of Canada and the northeastern US with lead times of two days. To test the realism of our models I have recently deployed an array of 5 relocatable tide gauges that provide sea level data in near real time for ongoing model validation. We have transferred a prototype, 3D nonlinear baroclinic model of the Gulf of St Lawrence and Scotian Shelf, nested within the surge model, to the Department of National Defence (METOC) for operational use.

Bellow are some snapshots of the storm surge model Output.

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