Major Research and Collaborative Programs

Queensland Beach. Photograph by Carolyn Smyth

The Department of Oceanography is involved in several major research and collaborative programs, some of which are linked here:

The CANadian version of DIEcast

The Canadian component of SandyDuck '97 Coastal Field Experiment

Centre for Marine Environmental Prediction

CARTUM - a Project to improve models of turbulence

Coastal Ocean Modelling Project
The research program sponsered by the IBM Environmental Research Program.

Double-diffusion in Oceanography - SCOR Working Group #108.

GLOBEC (GLOBal ocean ECosystems dynamics) research program.

Nova Scotia Oceans Initiative
An industry/government/university pilot project to stimulate growth in the ocean technology sector.

Ocean/Atmospheric Modelling and Research
Research program funded by MSC, MARTEC and NSERC for Ocean/Atmospheric modelling and research.

Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)
Summary Report for the Canadian participants in the International SOLAS Open Science Meeting

Transport and Reaction in Permeable Marine Sediments - SCOR Working Group #114.

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