# Draw T-S plot for all data in bioness directory, color-coded for bug count.

$dir = "/data/po/ocean/92-31/bioness"; # dir where data live

set x name "Salinity, PSU";
set y name "Temperature, \(\circ\)C";
set y axis 7 10 1 0.5;
set x axis 31 32.5 0.5 0.1;
draw axes;
draw title "hue: total particles ($_command_file on \dir/*.com)";

# Indicate scale with labels along right-hand side of plot
$bugmax = 200;
$y = $_ybottom; $dy = ($_ytop - $_ybottom)/10;
$v = 0; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 25; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 50; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 75; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 100; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 125; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 150; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 175; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;
$v = 200; set color hsv ($v/$bugmax) 1 1; draw label " $v particles" $_xright $y; $y += $dy;

# Extract all data into one file, named 'tmp'. Simply take all
# the files ending in ".com".
set clip on;
set symbol size 0.025;
system("rm -f tmp");
foreach $f (glob("$dir/*.com")) {
        system("gawk '{print \$5,\$4,\$9}' $f >> tmp");
        print "Did file $f (hue max is $hue_max)\n";

# Read the file, then reorder the data so that points don't
# overpaint by the order of sampling.
open(IN, "tmp");
read columns IN x y z;
reorder columns randomly;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#_x; $i++) {
        $hue = $_z[$i] / $bugmax;
        set color hsv $hue 1 1;
        draw symbol "bullet" $_x[$i] $_y[$i];

# Draw a few isopycnals.
set color "black";
draw isopycnal unlabelled 23.5;
draw isopycnal 24;
draw isopycnal unlabelled 24.5;
draw isopycnal 25;
draw isopycnal unlabelled 25.5;
draw isopycnal 26;

# Clean up.
system("rm -f tmp");