# Illustrate timeseries against month-of-year. The data
# are assumed to be centered on x-value of 0.5 for January,
# etc.
set y name "Monthly average of ... whatever";
set y axis 0 1 0.1;
set x axis 0 12 1;

# First, draw axes with no labels (to get all the tics) ...
set font size 0;
draw axes;
# ... now draw y-axis again to get labels ...
set font size 10;
draw y axis;
# ... and, finally (laboriously!), draw x-labels, offset below bottom.
$off = 1.5 * pt_to_cm($_font_size);
print "$off off\n";
draw label "Jan" centered at user_to_cm_x(0.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Feb" centered at user_to_cm_x(1.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Mar" centered at user_to_cm_x(2.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Apr" centered at user_to_cm_x(3.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "May" centered at user_to_cm_x(4.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Jun" centered at user_to_cm_x(5.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Jul" centered at user_to_cm_x(6.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Aug" centered at user_to_cm_x(7.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Sep" centered at user_to_cm_x(8.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Oct" centered at user_to_cm_x(9.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Nov" centered at user_to_cm_x(10.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;
draw label "Dec" centered at user_to_cm_x(11.5) (user_to_cm_y($_ybottom)-$off) cm;