function output = avi2jpg(filename,option,option2,option3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % result = AviRead (filename, % number of frames to process, % first frame to display, % last frame to display) % % Example: AviRead('sample.avi',30,10,12) % reads and processes the first 30 frames of the file % 'sample.avi', and displays frame 10, 11 and 12 each % in its own figure. % % Reads AVI-files and processes position of pixel maximum per frame % % NOTE: supports only uncompressed plain avi(RIFF) files % % (c) by Rainer Rawer (using Matlab 5.2) % % 10/09/1999 %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % default declarations: JUNK = [74 85 78 75]; RIFF = [82 73 70 70]; AVI = [65 86 73 32]; movi = [109 111 118 105]; version = '1.01'; lines = 240; % lines per frame columns = 320; % colons per frame bytes = 1; % bytes per pixel margin = 20; % margin of arround frame that's not used for % calculating max pixel value position no_of_frames = 1; % no of frames to read %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % checking if files is existing and a valid RIFF/AVI file %------------------------------------------------------------------------- if nargin == 0; disp(['-------------------------------']); disp([' AviRead V',version, ' by R.Rawer `99']) disp(['-------------------------------']); disp([' usage: AviRead(filename,']) disp([' number of frames to process,']) disp([' first frame to display,']) disp([' last frame to display)']) error(['### no parameters']); end if nargin < 4; option3=option2 ; end if nargin < 3; option2 = 0, option3= 0 ; end if nargin < 2; option = 0; option2 = 0, option3= 0 ; end fid = fopen(filename, 'r'); if fid < 3; error(['### AviRead: ', filename, ' NOT found.']); end xx = uint8(fread(fid, 5000, 'uint8')); if max(xx(1:4)'==[82 73 70 70]==0); %check for: 'RIFF' error(['### AviRead: ', filename, ... ' is not a valid RIFF file.']); elseif max(xx(9:12)'==[65 86 73 32]==0); %check for: 'AVI ' error(['### AviRead: ', filename, ... ' is not a valid AVI file.']); end fclose(fid); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Extracting AVI header information %------------------------------------------------------------------------- h=1;i=0;h2=0;e=1; while e==1; h=h+1; if min(xx(h:(h+3))'==[97 118 105 104]); %check for ID: 'avih' h2=h; e=0; end end no_of_frames=double(xx(h2+24))+double(xx(h2+25))*256+double(xx(h2+26))*256*256+double(xx(h2+27))*256*256*256; columns =double(xx(h2+40))+double(xx(h2+41))*256+double(xx(h2+42))*256*256+double(xx(h2+43))*256*256*256; lines =double(xx(h2+44))+double(xx(h2+45))*256+double(xx(h2+46))*256*256+double(xx(h2+47))*256*256*256; i=0;h3=0;e=1; while e==1; h=h+1; if min(xx(h:(h+3))'==[115 116 114 102]); %check for ID: 'strf' h3=h; e=0; end end color_depth=double(xx(h3+22))+double(xx(h3+23))*256; switch color_depth case 8 bytes=1; case 16 bytes=2; case 24 bytes=3; otherwise bytes=4; end e=1; while e==1; h=h+1; if min(xx(h:(h+3))'==[109 111 118 105]); %check for ID: 'movi' e=0; h1=h; end end frame_length=double(xx(h1+8))+double(xx(h1+9))*256+double(xx(h1+10))*256*256+double(xx(h1+11))*256*256*256; frame_ID=xx(h1+4:h1+7); % re-open file to check foer actual framelength: fid = fopen(filename, 'r'); if fid < 3; error(['### AviRead: ', filename, ' NOT found.']); end % seek to place where 2nd frame should be: fseek(fid,h1+4+frame_length,-1); xx = uint8(fread(fid, 5000, 'uint8')); h=0;i=0;h5=0;e=1; while e==1; h=h+1; if min(xx(h:(h+3))'==frame_ID'); %check for ID: frame_ID h5=h; e=0; end end frame_offset=h5; % check for compressed AVIs: if ((lines*columns)~=(frame_length/bytes)); error('### no compressed AVI supported !'); end; %display header information: frame_ID=double(frame_ID); disp('---------------------------------------------------------'); %disp(['AviRead V',version,' by R.Rawer `99']); disp(sprintf(' filename : "%s"',filename)); disp(sprintf(' number of frames to read : %d',option)); disp(sprintf(' display frame : #%d to #%d',option2,option3)); disp('---------------------------------------------------------'); disp(sprintf(' number of data blocks : %d',no_of_frames)); disp(sprintf(' frame size : %d x %d',columns,lines)); disp(sprintf(' colour depth : %d (%dbyte)',color_depth,bytes)); disp(sprintf(' frame length : %d (0x%x)',frame_length,frame_length)); disp(sprintf(' frame ID : %c%c%c%c',frame_ID(1),frame_ID(2),frame_ID(3),frame_ID(4))); disp(sprintf(' frame offset : %d',frame_offset)); disp('---------------------------------------------------------'); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % start reading single frames %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % re-open file for actual reading of data: fid = fopen(filename, 'r'); if fid < 3; error(['### AviRead: ', filename, ' NOT found.']); end fseek(fid,h1+3,-1); % read frames frames=0; if option>0; no_of_frames=option;end flag = 0; while (i flag, floor(i/no_of_frames * 100) / 10 == floor(i/no_of_frames * 10))) disp(strcat(num2str(floor(i/no_of_frames*100)),'% of the frames are processed')); flag = floor(i/no_of_frames*100); end frames=frames+1; i=i+1; %disp(sprintf('processing frame %d of %d ',i,no_of_frames)); frame_header = uint8(fread(fid, 8, 'uint8')'); f_length=double(frame_header(5))+double(frame_header(6))*256+double(frame_header(7))*256*256+double(frame_header(8))*256*256*256; e=0; while e==0; if (frame_header(1:4)==JUNK ); %found a JUNK frame and skipping it... %disp('reading JUNK frame...'); xx=uint8(fread(fid, f_length, 'uint8')'); frame_header = uint8(fread(fid, 8, 'uint8')'); f_length=double(frame_header(5))+double(frame_header(6))*256+double(frame_header(7))*256*256+double(frame_header(8))*256*256*256; elseif f_length==0; %found empty frame and skipping it... %disp('reading empty frame...'); frame_header = uint8(fread(fid, 8, 'uint8')'); i=i+1; f_length=double(frame_header(5))+double(frame_header(6))*256+double(frame_header(7))*256*256+double(frame_header(8))*256*256*256; else %found valid frame.... e=1; end end switch bytes case 1 xx = uint8(fread(fid, frame_length/bytes, 'uint8')); case 2 xx = uint8(fread(fid, frame_length/bytes, 'uint16')); otherwise xx = uint32(fread(fid, frame_length/bytes, 'uint32')); end % re arrange data as image array: im=reshape(xx,columns,lines); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This part was written by me to save the frames as jpegs %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % im = transpose(im); % for j = 1:length(im(:,1)) % Flip the image % junk(j,:) = im(end + 1 - j,:); % end % % im = junk'; % clear junk % % if option2>0; % if ((i>=option2)&(i<=option3)); % if(i<10) % val = strcat('0000',num2str(i)); % elseif(i<100) % val = strcat('000',num2str(i)); % elseif(i<1000) % val = strcat('00',num2str(i)); % else % val = strcat('0',num2str(i)); % end % imwrite(transpose(im),strcat(filename(1:end-4),val,'.jpg'),'jpeg','quality',100); end % end % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - Ramzi %%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end % end reading single frames -----------------------------------