function [varargout] = currents(varargin) % This function takes the wind vector field and SSH field as inputs % and returns Ekman and Geostrophic currents. This implements safe % equator-crossing calculations and safe f-plane calculations using a % hybrid of the models of Pond and Pickard and Lagerloef et al. % % CALLING THE FUNCTION % ==================== % % Possible inputs are: % a) [LONG,LAT,SSH,GEO] = CURRENTS('SSH.DAT',RESOLUTION) % b) [LONG,LAT,WIND,EKMAN] = CURRENTS('WIND_EW.DAT','WIND_NS.DAT', ... % RESOLUTION) % c) [LONG,LAT,WIND,SSH,TOTAL,EKMAN,GEO] = ... % CURRENTS('WIND_EW.DAT','WIND_NS.DAT','SSH.DAT', ... % RESOLUTION) % % a) will return the Geostrophic Current % b) will return the Ekman Current % c) will return the Total Current, as well as the two components % individually. % % FORMAT OF THE INPUT FILES % ========================= % % The files 'SSH.DAT', 'WIND_EW.DAT' and 'WIND_NS.DAT' should all be in % the following format with *NO* header. The files need to give the data % in column format as: % % lon(1) lat(1) value % lon(2) lat(1) value % lon(3) lat(1) value % ... ... ... % lon(1) lat(2) value % lon(2) lat(2) value % lon(3) lat(2) value % ... ... ... % etc. % where lon(1) is the westernmost longitude and lat(1) is the % northernmost latitude. % % Note that longitudes and latitudes should be in degrees and that the % value for the wind should be in m/s (SI) and the value for SSH should be % in in cm (CGI). % % It is assumed that the lon and lat points are equally spaced with % a separation distance of RESOLUTION degrees. % % Also see comments at lines 139 and 263 of the code. % % FORMAT OF THE OUTPUT % ==================== % % LAT and LONG are returned as row and column vectors, respectively. % GEO, EKMAN and TOTAL are returned as vectors of size [LAT LONG]. % rsm 31Jul01 || % || % UPDATE: Limits dependency removed, and bug fixes reported by % S. Joseph of INCOIS addressed. rsm 12July08 || || % Load in the data if(nargin < 2); error('Not enough inputs called to function CURRENTS'); elseif (nargin == 2); if(nargout ~= 4) error(['Must have 4 outputs for the inputs given to CURRENTS. See help comments for details.']); end disp('Function CURRENTS calculating geostrophic currents only.'); flag = 0; fprintf('\nLoading data from files...'); eval(['load ',varargin{1},' -ascii;']); sshname = getfilename(varargin{1}); eval(['ssh = ',sshname,';']); ssh(:,[1 2]) = ssh(:,[2 1]); eval(['clear ',sshname]); fprintf('done!'); elseif (nargin == 3); if(nargout ~= 4) error(['Must have 4 outputs for the inputs given to CURRENTS. See help comments for details.']); end disp('Function CURRENTS calculating Ekman currents only.'); flag = 2; fprintf('\nLoading data from files...'); eval(['load ',varargin{2},' -ascii;']); eval(['load ',varargin{1},' -ascii;']); tauz_name = getfilename(varargin{1}); taum_name = getfilename(varargin{2}); eval(['u = ',tauz_name,';']); eval(['u(:,4) = ',taum_name,'(:,3);']); eval(['clear ', taum_name ,' ', tauz_name]); u(:,[1 2]) = u(:,[2 1]); fprintf('done!'); elseif (nargin == 4); if(nargout ~= 7) error(['Must have 7 outputs for the inputs given to CURRENTS. See help comments for details.']); end disp('Function CURRENTS calculating geostrophic and Ekman currents.'); flag = 1; fprintf('\nLoading data from files...'); eval(['load ',varargin{2},' -ascii;']); eval(['load ',varargin{1},' -ascii;']); uz_name = getfilename(varargin{1}); um_name = getfilename(varargin{2}); eval(['u = ',uz_name,';']); eval(['u(:,4) = ',um_name,'(:,3);']); eval(['clear ', um_name ,' ', uz_name]); u(:,[1 2]) = u(:,[2 1]); eval(['load ',varargin{3},' -ascii;']); sshname = getfilename(varargin{3}); eval(['ssh = ',sshname,';']); ssh(:,[1 2]) = ssh(:,[2 1]); eval(['clear ',sshname]); fprintf('done!'); else error('Too many input files called to function CURRENTS'); end resolution = varargin{end}; if(flag >= 1) % Determine Ekman currents fprintf('\nDetermining Ekman currents:\n\tFiltering Wind Speed...'); latEk = [min(u(:,1)):resolution:max(u(:,1))]; lonEk = [min(u(:,2)):resolution:max(u(:,2))]; ux10 = reshape(squeeze(u(:,3)),length(lonEk),length(latEk))'; uy10 = reshape(squeeze(u(:,4)),length(lonEk),length(latEk))'; Y = reshape(squeeze(u(:,2)),length(lonEk),length(latEk))'; % << NOTE >> IF your plots are coming out upside down, uncomment % these lines % % ux10(1:end,:) = ux10(end:-1:1,:); % uy10(1:end,:) = uy10(end:-1:1,:); % Y(1:end,:) = Y(end:-1:1,:); fux10=davefilt2(ux10,5,5,'median'); fuy10=davefilt2(uy10,5,5,'median'); fprintf('done!\n\tDetermining wind stress...'); umod10=sqrt(fux10.*fux10 + fuy10.*fuy10); % density of surface ocean water rho = 1025; % kg/m^3 rho_air = 1.22; % density of air % angular frequency of earth's rotation om = 7.29e-5; % load drag coefficients for wind stress computation. load drag_coeff_smith1988.dat cdref=1e-3*drag_coeff_smith1988(:,2); u10ref=drag_coeff_smith1988(:,1); npts=size(fux10); nx=npts(2); ny=npts(1); cd(1:ny,1:nx) = NaN; for i= 1:ny, for j = 1:nx, if(~isnan(umod10(i,j))) cd(i,j) = linterp(u10ref,cdref,umod10(i,j)); end end end taux = rho_air * cd .* umod10 .* fux10; tauy = rho_air * cd .* umod10 .* fuy10; fprintf('done!\n\tCalculating Ekman currents...'); %====================== % POND AND PICKARD PART %====================== %=============================================================== % now do coriolis parameter (take 1S to 1N out of consideration) fspin(1:ny,1:nx)=nan; ind=find(Y<=-1 | Y>=1); fspin(ind)=2*om*sin(2*pi*Y(ind)/360); %================================================================= % now get Ekman Depth (take out 1S to 1N again) % method uses empirical relationship outlined by Pond and Pickard eld(1:ny,1:nx)=nan; ind=find(Y<=-1 | Y>=1); eld(ind)=4.3*umod10(ind)./sqrt(sin(abs(2*pi*Y(ind)/360))); %================================================================= % now calculate Ekman components. % note: need density, rho, in kg m^-3. ue(1:ny,1:nx)=nan; ve(1:ny,1:nx)=nan; u_p = tauy./(eld.*fspin*rho); v_p = -taux./(eld.*fspin*rho); %====================== % LAGERLOEF ET AL. PART %====================== % fricton term from Lagerloef et al. r = 2.15e-4; %m/s % depth term from Lagerloef et al. h = 32.5; %m f = 2 * om * sin(deg2rad(latEk)); % f [1/s] i = sqrt(-1); % reinitialize value a2 = (r + i * f * h) ./ (r^2 + h^2 .* f.^2); tau = taux + i * tauy; Ut = (a2' * ones(size(lonEk))) .* tau / rho; u_l = real(Ut); v_l = imag(Ut); %============================================================= % COMBINE THE TWO PARTS OUTSIDE FOR LATITUDES GREATER THAN 5 % DEGREES FROM THE EQUATOR %============================================================= % use the lengthscale of 2.2 degrees given by lagerloef et al. %------------------------------------------------------------- u_e(1:ny,1:nx) = nan; v_e(1:ny,1:nx) = nan; eq = find(u(:,1) <= 5); u_e(eq) = u_l(eq); v_e(eq) = v_l(eq); midlat = find(u(:,1) > 5); u_e(midlat) = exp(-((abs(u(midlat,1))-5)/2.2).^2) .* u_l(midlat) ... + (1 - exp(-((abs(u(midlat,1))-5)/2.2).^2)) .* u_p(midlat); v_e(midlat) = exp(-((abs(u(midlat,1))-5)/2.2).^2) .* v_l(midlat) ... + (1 - exp(-((abs(u(midlat,1))-5)/2.2).^2)) .* v_p(midlat); fprintf('done!'); end if(flag <= 1) % Determine Geostrophic currents fprintf('\nDetermining geostrophic currents:\n\tFiltering data...'); latG = [min(ssh(:,1)):resolution:max(ssh(:,1))]; lonG = [min(ssh(:,2)):resolution:max(ssh(:,2))]; SSH = reshape(squeeze(ssh(:,3)),length(lonG),length(latG))'; % <> IF your plots are coming out upside down, uncomment % this line % SSH(1:end,:) = SSH(end:-1:1,:); a = find(isnan(SSH)); SSH2 = davefilt2(SSH,5,5,'median'); SSH2(a) = NaN; fprintf('done!\n\tCalculating SSH gradient and determining currents...'); %=========================== % Determind the SSH gradient i = sqrt(-1); [FX, FY] = gradient(SSH2); Z = FX + i * FY; % convert dimensions of Z from cm/deg to m/m % Z = Z * (1 deg / 111.1175 km) * (1 m / 100 cm) Z = Z / 111177.5 / 100; %========================================================== %Use SSH gradient (Z) to determine the geostrophic currents om = 7.29e-5; % angular frequency of earth's rotation [1/s] g = 9.8; % gravitational acceleration [m/s^2] f = 2 * om * sin(deg2rad(latG)); % f [1/s] beta = 2 * om / 111000 * cos(deg2rad(latG)); % beta [1/m/s] % coefficients a1 and b1 for f-plane and beta plane components of % flow. warning off % There is a divide by zero at the equator for f and at the poles for beta a1 = (1 - exp(-(latG/2.2).^2)) .* (g ./ f); a1(find(latG==0))=0; b1 = (exp(-(latG/2.2).^2)) .* (i * g ./ beta); b1(find(beta==0)) = 0; warning on % The divide by zero is finished. % Geostrophic Current :: f-plane and beta-plane Uf = i * (a1' * ones(size(lonG))) .* Z; Ub = (b1(2:end-1)' * ones(size(lonG))) .* (Z(3:end,:)-Z(1:end-2,:)) ... ./ (2 * 111177.5); Ub(2:end+1,:) = Ub; Ub(end+1,:) = 0; u_g = real(Uf) + real(Ub); v_g = imag(Uf) + imag(Ub); fprintf('done!'); end i = sqrt(-1); if(flag == 0), %geostrophic only varargout{1} = lonG; varargout{2} = latG; varargout{3} = SSH2; varargout{4} = u_g + i * v_g; elseif(flag == 2), %Ekman only varargout{1} = lonEk; varargout{2} = latEk; varargout{3} = ux10 + i * uy10; varargout{4} = u_e + i * v_e; else, % both geostrophic and Ekman if(min(lonEk) == min(lonG) & max(lonEk) == max(lonG) & ... min(latEk) == min(latG) & max(latEk) == max(latG)), varargout{1} = lonEk; varargout{2} = latEk; varargout{3} = ux10 + i * uy10; varargout{4} = SSH2; varargout{6} = u_e + i * v_e; varargout{7} = u_g + i * v_g; varargout{5} = varargout{6} + varargout{7}; minlon = min(lonEk); maxlon = max(lonEk); minlat = min(latEk); maxlat = max(latEk); else if(min(lonEk) < min(lonG)) minlon = min(lonEk); difference = min(lonG) - min(lonEk); SSH2(:,difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end) = SSH2; u_g(:,difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end) = u_g; v_g(:,difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end) = v_g; u_g(:,1:difference*resolution) = NaN; SSH2(:,1:difference*resolution) = NaN; v_g(:,1:difference*resolution) = NaN; elseif(min(lonEk) > min(lonG)) minlon = min(lonEg); difference = min(lonEk) - min(lonEg); u_e(:,difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end) = u_e; v_e(:,difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end) = v_e; u_e(:,1:difference*resolution) = NaN; v_e(:,1:difference*resolution) = NaN; else minlon = min(lonEk); end if(max(lonEk) > max(lonG)); maxlon = max(lonEk); difference = max(lonEk) - max(lonG); SSH2(:,end+1:end+difference*resolution) = NaN; u_g(:,end+1:end+difference*resolution) = NaN; v_g(:,end+1:end+difference*resolution) = NaN; elseif(max(lonEk) < max(lonG)); maxlon = max(lonG); difference = max(lonG) - max(lonEk); u_e(:,end+1:end+difference*resolution) = NaN; v_e(:,end+1:end+difference*resolution) = NaN; else maxlon = max(lonEk); end if(min(latEk) < min(latG)) minlat = min(latEk); difference = min(latG) - min(latEk); SSH2(difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end,:) = SSH2; u_g(difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end,:) = u_g; v_g(difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end,:) = v_g; SSH2(1:difference*resolution,:) = NaN; u_g(1:difference*resolution,:) = NaN; v_g(1:difference*resolution,:) = NaN; elseif(min(latEk) > min(latG)) minlat = min(latG) difference = min(latEk) - min(latG); u_e(difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end,:) = u_e; v_e(difference*resolution+1:difference*resolution+end,:) = v_e; u_e(1:difference*resolution,:) = NaN; v_e(1:difference*resolution,:) = NaN; else minlat = min(latEk); end if(max(latEk) > max(latG)); maxlat = max(latEk); difference = max(latEk) - max(latG); SSH2(end+1:end+difference*resolution,:) = NaN; u_g(end+1:end+difference*resolution,:) = NaN; v_g(end+1:end+difference*resolution,:) = NaN; elseif(max(latEk) < max(latG)); maxlat = max(latG); difference = max(latG) - max(latEk); u_e(end+1:end+difference*resolution,:) = NaN; v_e(end+1:end+difference*resolution,:) = NaN; else maxlat = max(latEk); end end i = sqrt(-1); varargout{1} = [minlon:resolution:maxlon]; varargout{2} = [minlat:resolution:maxlat]; varargout{3} = ux10 + i * uy10; varargout{4} = SSH2; varargout{6} = u_e + i * v_e; varargout{7} = u_g + i * v_g; varargout{5} = varargout{6} + varargout{7}; end fprintf('\n')