4.1  Subdir: PREP

This subdirectory contains the preparation and preprocessing files for a model application. It consists of the two subdirectories REAL_CLM_FILES and SUBS and several ASCII files:

File contains a list of names of test cases with the #define statement. The test case to be used for the model simulation is the only one not commented out.

File containing list of initialization features to be selected, such as LEVITUS, PARTIAL_CELLS, etc.

File contains parameter statements for array dimensions and the dimensioning of arrays.

File contains the makefile commands to compile and link the preparation files to generate the executable file prep.

Fortran code for preprocessing the CANDIE model.

File containing initialization information for prep.F for the case to be set up. This file is not not read if the SPECIAL_TEST option is used. The name tag_root is the same name supplied to prep.F at execution time to identify the model initialization.

This subdirectory contains files to fill in climatic data sets.

AN_ID.h File contains the name of the test case being run, as in the file PREP/ AN\_ID.h.

Fills original data set. This routine modified from D.Dietrich, and uses only the TK array. This routine only fill levels where there is data.

/PREP/REAL_CLM_FILES/ prep.real_clm.F
This version differs from v1 in that it uses DD's poisson smoother to fill holes in the original (Levitus) T and S files. This is an abbreviated version used to output monthly wind stress and surface T,S on the model grid. Run it only when needed -- IT IS NOT PREP.F!! This version outputs a North sponge layer that is 20 grid cells wide. The South sponge layer is still 10 cells wide

This subdirectory contains files with the code for the initialization of various test cases. The appropriate files are included in prep.F with preprocessor #include statements.

/PREP/SUBS/ dgyr_test_case.h

/PREP/SUBS/ dhem_test_case.h

/PREP/SUBS/ gsl_tide.h

/PREP/SUBS/ hb_test_case.h

/PREP/SUBS/ Hcdf.h
File contains code to extract regional subset of etopo5 bathy-metry from a remote file that is in netcdf format. User specified lat/long window and resolution WESTDEG is western most longitude degrees (west cell face of I=2 zone) longitude coordinate increases eastward: 0 < WESTDEG < 360. For a given grid(long,lat) compute the bracketing etopo5 lon/lats and get the etopo5 values. NOTES: (1) assumes knowledge of file structure; (2) wants longitude (0...360)E, lat=(-90,...90); (3) does not check for (long,lat) out of range; (4) uses two subroutines which are at bottom of file.

/PREP/SUBS/ iw_test_case.h

/PREP/SUBS/ of_test_case.h

/PREP/SUBS/ pg_test_case.h

/PREP/SUBS/ Sfce_flux.h
File contains code to read COADS data for surface heat flux from a netcdf file, and interpolate it to the model grid.

File contains code to read Hellerman and Rosenstein wind stress data from a netcdf file and interpolate it to the model grid.

File contains code to read the Levitus T and S data from a netcdf file and interpolate to the model grid. The code then uses a Poisson equation to get smooth fields over land, in order to avoid any mismatches between Levitus and ETOPO5 datasets for land boundaries. The T and S data are then interpolated to the model grid.

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