5.2.1  Determining Code

1. Choose or define an application case name. For example, for our case of the North Atlantic, the name NA1_TEST_CASE would be appropriate. In the file PREP/ AN_ID.h comment out all other preprocessor #define statements with a C in the first column, so that the application name is defined by the only uncommented line in the file

#define NA1_TEST_CASE

2. Choose the basic model setup features appropriate to your problem, listed in PREP/ Def_prep.h, from the possible choices:


#define lnblnk_ lnblnk
Compress blank spaces in character strings.
#define GSL_TIDE

Set up grid that is not made from lon/lat grid.

#define FREE_SURF
Free Surface.

Partial cells on bottom boundary.

#define RIGID_LID
Rigid lid.

#define PERBC
Periodic boundary conditions.

#define NEWGRID
Include the code to determine new horizontal and vertical grids based on the parameters specified in Prep_parm.tag_root.

#define BBL
Bottom boundary layer.

#define TWO_D
Two dimensional.

#define CDF
Use net CDF data conversions.

#define LEVITUS
Use Levitus T and S climatology data to initialize the model.
#define LOZIER
Use Lozier

#define DY_CONST
Make grid with DY(J) constant.

Open stratis in ocean basin.

#define SFCE_FLUX
Use model surface fluxes.

These are set in the \#ifdef block of code as shown below for the NA1 case:

#ifdef NA1_TEST_CASE
#define NEW_GRID
#define CDF
#define LEVITUS
#endif /* NA1_TEST_CASE */

3. Set the user defined resolution parameters in the file PREP/ Diecast.h:

I0 Number of grid cells in the east-west (X) direction, including a one grid ``ghost zone'' at each end.

J0 Number of grid cells in the north-south (Y) direction, including a one grid ``ghost zone'' at each end. The present version of the code is set up so that page20_1.gif (block size used by the pressure solver). (See the note on IE below).

K0 Number of interfaces between the levels in vertical (Z) direction (including top and bottom). Note that there are K1 = K0-1 levels. When a bottom boundary layer is included, the number of normal cells is still K1 and the bottom boundary layer occupies the K0 level.

NB0 Number of blocks in the Y-direction for the elliptic solver used to determine the surface pressure changes. Each block should be between 5 and 8 grid cells in the Y-direction in order to minimize roundoff error.

The above parameters are set within #ifdef - #elif logical blocks of code in the Diecast.h file. The #ifdef blocks refer to the case defined in the file PREP-/ AN_ID.h. For example, to set up for the NA1_TEST_CASE with 102 grid cells in the X and Y directions (including ghost cells), 21 cells in the vertical, and 17 blocks with 6 cells in each ( J0 = 6*17 = 102) for the elliptic solver in the Y-direction, we would have the following text in Diecast.h.

#elif defined NA1_TEST_CASE
#elif defined ...

Important note: IE is the array of EVP block boundaries used in the pressure solver. The present version of CANDIE determines these boundaries within prep.F. These blocks can be modified by the user, but each block should be at least three cells and should not exceed 8 cells. At present we have required that J0 be a multiple of NB0. This is not essential, but it is essential that IE( NB0) = J0-1.

The remainder of the Diecast.h file calculates resolution parameters derived from the above dimensions, defines geophysical constants for the acceleration of gravity, the earth's radius, etc., and contains preprocessor #ifdef blocks for the special preparation conditions, such as

#ifdef LEVITUS
#endif /* end LEVITUS */
#endif /* end PARTIAL_CELLS */

4. Compile the preparation program using PREP/ Makefile by typing ``make'' from the PREP subdirectory. To send the output to a file you can use the command

make >& Makefile.out

This produces the executable file PREP/ prep. Note that if you change any files ending in .f, .F, or .h in PREP or its subdirectories, a new executable prep must be created by typing ``make" to recompile the Makefile. If you have created any new files to be included in prep.F, be sure to add them to the target list in the Makefile (see end of section 5.2.3). As a debugging technique, it is sometimes useful to use the command

f77 -F prep.F (on SUN workstations)
f77 -P prep.F (on SGI workstations)

which invokes the source file macro preprocessor but does not compile. A file is created that gives a listing of the code in the prep.F file with all the code inserted from the INCLUDE statements for the #ifdef options selected.

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