5.5  Displaying Movies

As discussed above, movie data files are created when the compiler option # define OUTPUT_DD is specified in file MAIN/ Define.h, and the value of MVI, the interval in days at which data is saved, is specified in file MAIN/Runtime_parm.tag. When the file main is executed, the data files

MOVIE/ MV0.tag

are created. The file MV0.tag contains grid data, and DATA.tag contains model output data for plotting. The movie animation is made in a two-step proceedure. The first step is to compile and run the fortran program MOV2.FThe compilation and execution are done with the commands

f77     -0      MOV2      MOV2.F

The program will prompt the user for the tag and tag_root names, and some other information. It then reads the data from the two files above, processes the data, and writes output to the three files


to be used for animation displays on the computer terminal. The second step is to compile and run the fortran program movi2.f that reads the above three files created by MOV2.F and displays the animation on the terminal. The compilation and execution are done with the commands

f77     -o     movi2     -Lvogl     -lX11     movi2.f

on the SUN workstation, and the particular options may vary with different computers. The executable displays the animation on the computer terminal, which shows the evolution of particle tracers and pressure contours in time.

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