
1: Introduction
2: Invoking Gre
3: Gre Grammar
4: Commands
5: Cookbook
6: Hints
7: History
8: Plans
9: Concept Index

9: Bugs

Please report `gre' bugs to the author, Dan Kelley <Dan.Kelley@Dal.CA>.

Known bugs include the following. The name of the bug is taken from the date, in year/month/day format, followed by a digit (0, 1, 2, ...) indicating sequence number, in case more than one bug was found on that day. (I'm presuming that no day has more than 10 bugs!!)

  • 199905010 (1999-May-1) line numbers for errors are sometimes wrong.

  • 199907040 (1999-July-4) `print variables' is inaccurate if `my' variables are used.

  • 199907031 (1999-July-3) Sometimes -- but not always -- the message `sh:: command not found' is printed by `gre'. This appears to have no bad effects. The author has learned, by trial and error, that it occurs when trying to run a commandfile with implied suffix, instead of naming the commandfile in full.

  • 199907030 (1999-July-3): `print variables' is confused about scope-resolution for `my' variables. This may indicate a deeper bug.

(c) 1997-2000 Dan E. Kelley, email Dan.Kelley@Dal.Ca