
1: Introduction
2: Invoking Gre
3: Gre Grammar
4: Commands
5: Cookbook
6: Hints
7: History
8: Plans
9: Concept Index

8: Plans for Gre

Planned new features of `gre' include the following. The order of the list does not represent the order in which the plans will be carried out. Indeed, if there is something you particularly want done, from this list or otherwise, please email me at <Dan.Kelley@Dal.CA>.

  1. Add more Gri commands, especially image commands.
  2. Make images by 16-bit (or 24-bit?) instead of Gri's 8-bit. This may be done using the PNG library.
  3. Add full ``package'' support see Package, and then add packages for (1) properties of seawater, (2) timeseries analysis, etc.
  4. Add ``low S'' timeseries filtering, as in the S+ and R languages.
  5. Add `my @vector_name' syntax.
  6. Allow `split' to take arguments.
  7. Allow newlines in strings, for multi-line labels and titles. Syntax will probably be like the following
       draw title "Blue line: theory\nRed line: observation";
  8. Improve aesthetics of axes by ensuring same number of decimal places used in each numeric label.

(c) 1997-2000 Dan E. Kelley, email Dan.Kelley@Dal.Ca