A.2  Time Discretization

Both DieCAST and CANDIE are similar to the GFDL model, most notably in the use of Cartesian coordinates and the rigid lid approximation. However, unlike the GFDL model (referred to the tradition version of the Modular Ocean Model) uses a volume transport streamfunction, both DieCAST and CANDIE are formulated in terms of the surface pressure. The main advantages of using a pressure formulation are the increased ease with which islands are handled, and the reduced numerical sensitivity to depth variations. The latter attribute is due to the appearance of page48_5.gif (rather than page48_6.gif as in the stream function formulation) in the differential equation determining the surface pressure, and reduces the need to smooth the model bottom topography to maintain numerical stability [e.g. Dukowicz et al., 1993]. Again, we emphasize that in all references to the GFDL model, we are referring to the particular version used in the test cases presented by HB, which uses the streamfunction formulation. Madala and Piacsek [1977], Killworth et al. [1991], Dukowicz et al. [1993], Dukowicz and Smith[1994] and Pacanowski [1996] have each reformulated the GFDL model using different pressure formulations and it would be of interest to explore how these models perform on Haidvogel and Beckmann's test cases. However, our interest here is in the approach used by Dietrich which is distinct from each of those mentioned above. This approach is presented below.

Using forward time stepping for horizontal diffusion terms, centered time stepping for advection and pressure variations, backward (or fully implicit) time stepping for vertical diffusion, and either centered or backward time stepping for the Coriolis term, the time discretization of (1), (2), (6) and (7) can be written as


where page49_deltat.gif is the time step and superscripts n-1, n and n+1 represent the values of quantities at the corresponding time steps. The quantity page49_gamma.gif is a measure of implicitness for the Coriolis term: page49_gamma.gif= 0 gives centered (leap-frog) time differencing and page49_gamma.gif= 1 gives backward (fully implicit) treatment of the Coriolis term. Dietrich et al. [1987] noted that, when the Ekman layer is resolved, an extremely short time step would be required if an explicit scheme were used for the vertical diffusion terms. To avoid this undesirable restriction, while maintaining an accurate representation of the Ekman layer dynamics, Dietrich et al. [1990] suggested that both the Coriolis and the vertical diffusion terms should be treated implicitly. The equations derived below allow for either implicit or explicit treatment of the Coriolis terms, but treat the vertical mixing in both the momentum and tracer equations implicitly.

Clearly, since the Coriolis term may include a fully implicit contribution and the vertical diffusion is always treated implicitly, the state variables cannot be updated in the straightforward manner implied by the above equations. In practice, the updating is done through a sequence of steps equivalent to solving the above equations in combination with the continuity and hydrostatic equations at appropriate time levels.

Let us rewrite un+1, vn+1, Tn+1 and Sn+1 in terms of a set of trial variables:


where the initial trial fields page50_2.gif and page50_3.gif are updated to include the effects of horizontal diffusion (forward), nonlinearity (centered), the pressure gradient force (centered baroclinic and forward surface contributions), and the contribution to the Coriolis force based on centered differencing. page50_4.gifand page50_5.gif include the additional effects of vertical diffusion (backward) and the contribution to the Coriolis force based on backward differencing. Finally, page50_6.gif and page50_7.gif represent the corrections to the velocity components required to allow for a time-centered surface pressure.

The initial trial fields page50_2.gif and page50_3.gif are given by


Each of the terms on the right sides of (23)-(26) are expressed in terms of previously determined state variables and hence are trivially calculated. Note the appearance of page50_9.gif rather than page50_10.gif on the right hand sides of (23) and (24). The quantity page50_10.gif is not yet known, but it will be determined and properly accounted for in the final step of the solution procedure.

The advanced trial fields page50_4.gif and page50_5.gifare then determined by updating page50_2.gif and page50_3.gif to give the best current estimates of the effects of vertical diffusion and Coriolis:

page50_11.gif page51_1.gif

where page51_2.gif. Note that we have used page51_3.gifand page51_4a.gifpage51_4b.gif in the vertical diffusion terms on the right sides of (27) and (28), since the pressure correction terms, page51_5.gifand page51_6.gif, are depth-independent (see (33) and (34)). Also note that page51_7.gif and page51_8.gif(see (21) and (22)) have been used in the vertical diffusion terms on the right hand sides of (29) and (30).

At this point, page51_9.gif and page51_10.gif are completely updated, but page51_11.gif and page51_12.gif are based on the use of page51_13.gif rather than page51_14.gif on the right sides of (23) and (24), and the effect spills over into (27) and (28) through the use of page51_15.gif on the right sides of these equations. It remains to adjust the pressure terms to the time level n and update the velocities appropriately in order to achieve a fully time centered pressure formulation.

Subtracting (27) from (15), then using (23) to eliminate page51_16.gif, and performing the corresponding operations on (16),(24) and (28) gives


in which page51_18.gif and page51_19.gif. It follows that


Note that page51_21.gif and page51_22.gif are all independent of z. Hence they make no contribution to the vertical diffusion terms which are thus fully accounted by (27) and (28).

Substitution of (19) and (20) into (14) and then using (33) and (34) gives


where the final equality is a convenient shorthand notation: the penultimate form is used in all numerical calculations. Note that page52_1.gif does not in general satisfy the depth-integrated continuity equation. Therefore page52_2.gifis not always zero, which leads non-zero corrections page52_3.gif and page52_4.gif.

Equation (35) is the general equation determining the surface pressure correction page52_4.gif. For the special case page52_5.gif (centered Coriolis), this equation simplifies to


which is analogous to equation(22) in Dukowicz et al. [1993].

Equations (35) and (36) are forced 2D elliptic equations for the surface pressure correction page52_4.gif, with the forcing determined by the net divergence (or convergence) implied by the advanced trial horizontal velocity field page52_1.gif over each vertical water column. Equation (35) or (36) determines the change in the surface pressure required to adjust the vertical velocity at the bottom to zero, as required by the step-like bottom topography, and is solved subject to the normal gradient of pressure being zero on the boundaries (corresponding, from (31) and (32), to having no normal velocity through the boundaries of the model domain). page52_4.gif has been determined from (35) or (36), the barotropic horizontal velocity corrections page52_7.gif and page52_7.gif are determined by (33) and (34). Note that while the pressure is fully updated only to the time level n, the velocity, temperature and salinity are each fully updated to the time level n+1, as required by the above scheme.

It is of significance that the above equation for the surface pressure is linear. All nonlinear effects are included through the forcing term which is fully determined at the central time level n so that no iterations are required. As a consequence, the surface pressure can be determined very efficiently using standard routines for elliptic equations. Also note that the block implicit relaxation (BIR) technique is used in both DieCAST and CANDIE to determine the surface pressure correction page52_4.gif. The BIR technique was originally developed by Dietrich et al. [1975] and later modified by Madala [1978]. Roache [1995] discusses this computationally efficient and numerically stable elliptic marching method in sum detail.

In summary, each time step proceeds as follows. We first determine the baroclinic contribution pb to the pressure field at time level n and add it to the surface pressure from time level n-1 to give an initial estimate of the pressure field at time level n. The initial trial fields page52_8.gif, and page52_9.gif are determined to allow for the pressure gradient, diffusive horizontal fluxes, advection and an estimate of the Coriolis force based on the state variables at the previous two time steps. We then calculate the advanced trial fields page52_10.gif and page52_11.gif to include vertical diffusion and any implicit contribution to the Coriolis terms. The surface pressure correction page52_4.gif is then determined to eliminate the depth integrated horizontal divergence of page52_12.gif over each water column. After numerically solving the governing 2D elliptic equation for page52_4.gif, the barotropic velocity corrections page52_13.gif are readily calculated through (33) and (34). Adding these velocity corrections to page53_1.gif yields the total horizontal velocity components page53_2.gif at the end of the time step. The vertical velocity component page53_3.gif is then determined at each Z-level by the horizontal divergence of page53_4.gif through the continuity equation (4).

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