A.3  Spatial Discretization on the C-Grid

DieCAST and CANDIE both use a finite difference scheme based on Cartesian coordinates with unevenly-spaced Z-levels in the vertical. The early version of CANDIE uses the Arakawa C grid for the spatial discretization with state variables u,v,w and p defined on the staggered grid illustrated in Figure 1. Note that temperature, salinity and density are defined at p points and vertical variations in p are estimated from the overlying density field.

The C grid is widely used in the community [e.g. MICOM of Bleck et al., 1992 and the MIT model of Marshall et al., 1997] because of the ease with which the control volume approach can be implemented, and because the horizontal pressure gradients in the momentum equations and the flux divergences in both the momentum and continuity equations can be calculated to the same numerical accuracy as the other terms in the equations. The main weakness of the C grid, on the other hand, is that the horizontal staggering of the u and v points causes difficulties in estimating the Coriolis terms. DieCAST and CANDIE use different approaches to deal with this difficulty.

In DieCAST, the Coriolis force is treated implicitly page53_5.gif. The approach suggested by Dietrich et al. [1987, 1990] uses a blend of A and C grids, thus avoiding the computational burden mentioned above. The key to this approach is to interpolate the trial velocity components page53_6.gif and page53_7.gif to the p points, and update the advanced trial velocity components at the p points by integrating equations which include both vertical diffusion and Coriolis terms (the Ekman spiral equations). The updated velocity is then interpolated back to the staggered u and v points. Note, however, that the blend of A and C grids may introduce significant numerical dissipation, as we now discuss.

Let page53_8.gif, calculated using (23)-(26)), represent the trial velocity components at the p-points. They can be calculated, for example, using two-point averaging of the trial velocity components on the C grid page53_9.gif and page53_10.gif by:


The indices i, j, and k denote the east, north and vertical coordinates, respectively. The advanced trial velocity components at the p points page53_12.gif are determined by the implicit equations (see (27) and (28))


These velocity components are then interpolated back to the u and v points again to give page54_2.gif and page54_3.gif at the u and v points.

Results show that the smoothing involved in interpolating to the p points and back again introduces numerical dissipation. For example, if page54_4.gif and Km=0, differences between page54_5.gif and page54_6.gif are due solely to the interpolation scheme. It is easily shown that linear interpolation to the A grid and then back to the C grid is equivalent to replacing page54_7.gif by page54_8.gif (i.e. numerical filter weights of (1,2,1)/4). The smoothing effect is greater for waves with shorter wavelengths. Figure 2 shows the numerical dissipation of wave amplitudes page54_9.gif as a function of the normalized wave number page54_10.gif, where page54_11.gif is the grid spacing. The amplitude reduction is about 50\% for waves with wavelengths of page54_12.gif. Further, this dissipation is clearly magnified by reducing page54_13.gif [Dietrich et al., 1990], since the interpolations are carried out more times over a given time interval. The smoothing effect of the interpolation scheme discussed above is nearly equivalent to harmonic lateral dissipation page54_14.gif with the non-dimensionalized diffusion coefficient page54_15.gif (see Figure 2).

Two approaches have been suggested to reduce this numerical dissipation. The standard version of DieCAST uses a fourth order interpolation scheme to reduce the dissipation associated with each pair of interpolations. Dietrich [1993] shows test cases for a doubly periodic domain which demonstrate the utility of this approach for regions which are removed from horizontal boundaries. The effective filter weights for the fourth order interpolation scheme are (1,-18,63,164,63,-18,1)/256), corresponding to reduced but still significant numerical dissipation. Figure 2 shows that the amplitude reduction using the fourth order interpolation is reduced to about 20\% for waves with wavelengths of page54_16.gif. For comparison, we also plot the amplitude reduction corresponding to biharmonic lateral dissipation page54_17.gif with the non-dimensionalized diffusion coefficient page54_18.gif (see Figure 2). Note. however, that near horizontal boundaries the original version of DieCAST uses a second order scheme, and the associated dissipation remains substantial (see the discussion of the canyon test problem in the next section). Also, this approach still results in dissipation which increases as page54_19.gif.

A second modification, which further reduces the dissipation, is to interpolate only the changes in velocity at p points back to the staggered u and v points (e.g., Dietrich et al. [1990]). Let


represent the changes in the trial velocity components at p points due to the Coriolis and vertical diffusion terms. Interpolating page55_2.gif back to the u and v points, the advanced trial velocity components on the C-grid are determined by


If this approach is used, then the dissipation associated with the interpolations s reduced to zero for the special case page55_4.gif and page55_5.gif considered above. Implementation of this approach in the standard DieCAST model can reduce numerical dissipation significantly, particularly when small time steps are required, but some dissipation remains. Further work is required to improve the accuracy adjacent to boundaries. This issue warrants further investigation as it may be critical for problems which are strongly influenced by the boundary conditions [e.g., Haidvogel et al., 1992; Jiang et al., 1995]. An example from the DieCAST model which includes both of the above modifications will be discussed in Section 6.

One further point should be mentioned regarding the treatment of the Coriolis term in DieCAST. Although page55_6.gif and page55_7.gif are updated using (42) and (43) with page55_8.gif, the surface pressure is computed using (36) and the associated velocity corrections are computed using (33) and (34) with page55_9.gif, respectively, that is, as if the Coriolis term were being treated explicitly. As noted by Dietrich et al.[1987], this leads to an error of order page55_10.gif. Sheng et al. (in preparation) give an example where this error has significant effect even for F substantially less than 1.

In CANDIE we choose to treat the Coriolis force explicitly (page55_9.gif ), and use the standard four-point averaging of u (v) [e.g. Heaps, 1972] to determine appropriate estimates at the v (u) locations for use in (23) and (24). This method is computationally inefficient if the Coriolis force is treated implicitly, since it would require page55_11.gif and page55_12.gif to be updated at all grid points simultaneously (see Xu [1994] for an example where this is done).

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