Richard Greatbatch - Selected Publications

C. Fogarty, R.J. Greatbatch and H. Ritchie, 2006, The use of a vortex insertion technique to simulate the extratropical transition of Hurricane Michael (2000), Weather and Forecasting, in press.

R.J. Greatbatch and T. Jung, 2006, Local versus tropical diabatic heating and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation, Journal of Climate, in press.

H. Pohlmann and R.J. Greatbatch, 2006, Discontinuities in the late 1960's in different atmospheric data products, Geophysical Research Letters, in press.

C. Eden, R.J. Greatbatch and D. Olbers, 2006, Interpreting eddy fluxes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, in press.

C. Eden, R.J. Greatbatch and J. Willebrand, 2006, A diagnosis of thickness fluxes in an eddy-resolving model, Journal of Physical Oceanography, in press.

J. Sheng, X. Zhai and R.J. Greatbatch, 2006, Numerical study of the storm-induced circulation on the Scotian Shelf during Hurricane Juan using a nested-grid ocean model, Progress in Oceanography, 70, 233-254. Special issue in honour of the 80th birthday of Gabe Csanady.

J. Zhao, J. Sheng, R. J. Greatbatch, K. Azetsu-Scott, and E. P. Jones, 2006, Simulation of CFCs in the North Atlantic Ocean using an adiabatically corrected ocean circulation model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C06027, doi:10.1029/2004JC002814.

Greatbatch, R.J., and X. Zhai, 2006, The influence of assimilated eddies on the large-scale circulation in a model of the northwest Atlantic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L02614, doi:10.1029/2005GL025139.

C. Fogarty, R.J. Greatbatch and H. Ritchie, 2006. The role of anomalously warm sea surface temperatures on the intensity of Hurricane Juan (2003) during its approach to Nova Scotia, Monthly Weather Review, 134, 1484-1504.

R. J. Greatbatch and Ping-Ping Rong, 2006, Discrepancies between different northern hemisphere summer atmospheric data products, Journal of Climate, 19, 1261-1273.

J. Sheng, R.J. Greatbatch, X. Zhai and L. Tang, 2005, A new two-way nesting technique for ocean modelling based on the smoothed semi-prognostic method, Ocean Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-005-0005-6.

X. Zhai, R.J. Greatbatch and J. Zhao, 2005. Enhanced vertical propagation of storm-induced near-inertial energy in an eddying ocean channel model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L18602, doi:10.1029/2005GLO23643.

X. Zhai, R.J. Greatbatch and J. Sheng, 2005, Doppler-shifted inertial oscillations on a beta-plane, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35, 1480-1488.

X. Zhai, R.J. Greatbatch and J. Sheng, 2005, Diagnosing the role of eddies in driving the circulation of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L14315, doi:10.1029/2004GL021146.

X. Zhai, R.J. Greatbatch and J. Sheng, 2004, Advective spreading of storm-induced inertial oscillations in a model of the northwest Atlantic, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, 10.1029/2004GL020084.

J. Zhao, R.J. Greatbatch, J. Sheng, C. Eden and K. Azetsu-Scott, 2004, Impact of an adiabatic correction technique on the simulation of CFC-12 in a model of the North Atlantic Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L12309, 10.1029/2004GL020206.

X. Zhai, J. Sheng and R. J. Greatbatch, 2004, A new two-way nested-grid ocean modelling technique applied to the Scotian Shelf and Slope, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, 342-357.

R.J. Greatbatch, J. Sheng, C. Eden, L. Tang, X. Zhai and J. Zhao, 2004, The semi-prognostic method, Continental Shelf Research, 24/18, 2149-2165.

R.J. Greatbatch, J. Lu and K.A. Peterson, 2004, Non-stationary impact of ENSO on Euro-Atlantic winter climate, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L02208, doi:10.1029/2003GL018542.

A. S. Medvedev and R.J. Greatbatch, 2004, On advection and diffusion in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere: the role of rotational fluxes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D07104, 10.1029/2003JD003931.

S. Zhang, J. Sheng and R.J. Greatbatch, 2004, A coupled ice-ocean modelling study of the northwest Atlantic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, C04009, 10.1029/2003JC001924.

J. Lu, R.J. Greatbatch and K. A. Peterson, 2004, On the trend in northern hemisphere winter atmospheric circulation during the last half of the 20th century, Journal of Climate, 17, 3745-3760.

C. Eden, R.J. Greatbatch and C. W. Böning, 2004, Adiabatically correcting an eddy-permitting model using large-scale hydrographic data: Application to the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34, 701-719.

C. Eden and R.J. Greatbatch, 2003, A damped decadal oscillation in the North Atlantic climate system, Journal of Climate, 16, 4043-4060.

R.J. Greatbatch and J. Lu, 2003, "Reconciling the Stommel box model with the Stommel-Arons model: A possible role for southern hemisphere wind forcing", Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33(8), 1618-1632.

R.J. Greatbatch, H. Lin, J. Lu, K.A. Peterson and J. Derome, 2003, Tropical/Extratropical forcing of the AO/NAO: A corrigendum, Geophysical Research Letters, 30(14) 1738, doi:10.1029/2003GL017406.

R.J. Greatbatch and T.J. McDougall, 2003, The non-Boussinesq Temporal-Residual-Mean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33(6), 1231-1239.

K. A. Peterson, J. Lu and R.J. Greatbatch, 2003, Evidence of nonlinear dynamics in the eastward shift of the NAO, Geophysical Research Letters, 30(2), 10.1029/2002GL015585.

H. Lin, J. Derome, R.J. Greatbatch, K.A. Peterson and J. Lu, 2002, Tropical links of the Arctic Oscillation, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(20), 10.1029/2002GL015822.

D. Mercer, J. Sheng, R.J. Greatbatch and J. Bobanovic, 2002, Barotropic waves generated by storms moving rapidly over shallow water, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(C10), 10.1029/2001JC001140.

K.A. Peterson, R. J. Greatbatch, J. Lu, H. Lin and J. Derome, 2002, Hindcasting the NAO using diabatic forcing of a simple AGCM, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(9), 10.1029/2001GL014502.

C. Eden, R.J. Greatbatch and J. Lu, 2002, Prospects for decadal prediction of the NAO, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(10), 10.1029/2001GL014069.

J. Lu and R.J. Greatbatch, 2002, The changing relationship between the NAO and northern hemisphere climate variability, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(7), 10.1029/2001GL014052.

T.J. McDougall, R.J. Greatbatch and Y. Lu, 2002, On conservation Equations in Oceanography: How Accurate are Boussinesq Ocean Models? , Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 1574-1584.

R. J. Greatbatch, J. Bobanovic, J. Sheng and K. Thompson, 2002, Oceanography, in The Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, P.C. Chatwin and P. Sullivan, Editors, John Wiley and Sons.

R.J. Greatbatch, 2001, A framework for mesoscale eddy parameterization based on density-weighted averaging at fixed height. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 2797-2806.

J. Sheng, R. J. Greatbatch and D.G. Wright, 2001, Improving the utility of ocean circulation models through adjustment of the momentum balance. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 16,711-16,728.

R.J. Greatbatch, Y. Lu and Y. Cai, 2001, Relaxing the Boussinesq approximation in ocean circulation models , Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Techology, 18, 1911-1923.

K.A. Peterson, and R.J. Greatbatch, 2001. Vorticity fluxes in shallow water ocean models , Atmosphere-Ocean, 39 (1), 1-14.

H. Hukuda, R.J. Greatbatch, and A. E. Hay, 2001. A two layer model of shelf break jets with application to the Labrador Current, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31 (2), 324-335.

F.J.M. Davidson, R.J. Greatbatch and B. deYoung, 2001. Asymmetry in the response of a stratified coastal embayment to wind forcing, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C4), 7001-7016.

R.J. Greatbatch and B. Nadiga, 2000, Four-gyre circulation in a barotropic model with double-gyre wind forcing, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30, 1461-1471.

T.L. Delworth, and R.J. Greatbatch, 2000, Multidecadal thermohaline circulation variability driven by atmospheric surface flux forcing, Journal of Climate, 13(9), 1481-1495.

R.J. Greatbatch, and G. Li, 2000, Alongslope mean flow and an associated upslope bolus flux of tracer in a parameterization of mesoscale turbulence, Deep Sea Research, Part I, 47, 709-735.

R.J. Greatbatch, 2000,The North Atlantic Oscillation, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 14 (4+5), 213-242, copyright Springer-Verlag. (The original publication is available in LINK at

J.K. Dukowicz, and R.J. Greatbatch, 1999, Evolution of mean flow Fofonoff gyres in barotropic quasi-geostrophic turbulence, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 1832-1852.

J.K. Dukowicz, and R.J. Greatbatch, 1999, The bolus velocity in the stochastic theory of ocean turbulent tracer transport, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 2232-2239.

R.J. Greatbatch, and G.L. Mellor, 1999, An Overview of Coastal Ocean Models, Coastal Ocean Prediction, Ed. C.N.K. Mooers, American Geophysical Union, Coastal and Estuarine Studies Series, 56, 526.

J. Sheng, D.G. Wright, R.J. Greatbatch and D.E. Dietrich, 1998, CANDIE: A new version of the DieCAST ocean circulation model, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 15, 1414-1432.

R.J. Greatbatch, 1998, Exploring the relationship between eddy-induced transport velocity, vertical mixing of momentum and the isopycnal flux of potential vorticity, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 28(3), 422-432.

F.J.M. Davidson, R.J. Greatbatch and Allan Goulding, 1998, On the net cyclonic circulation in large stratified lakes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 28(3), 527-534.

K.A. Peterson and R.J. Greatbatch, 1998, The influence of the mean state on interdecadal variability in flat-bottomed ocean models., Tellus, 50(1), 109-123.

S. Zhang and R.J. Greatbatch, 1997, The relationship between anomalies in sea surface temperature and surface heat flux in a simple coupled ocean-atmosphere model, Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans), 102(C11), 25, 195-25,202.

J. Gan, R.G. Ingram, R.J. Greatbatch, 1997, On the separation/intrusion of the Gaspe Current and variability in Baie des Chaleurs: Modelling, Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans), 102(C7), 15,567-15, 582.

R.J. Greatbatch and K. A. Peterson, Interdecadal variability and oceanic thermohaline adjustment, 1996, J. Geophys. Res., 101(C9), 20, 467-20482.

R.J. Greatbatch, Y. Lu, B. deYoung, 1996, Application of a barotropic model to North Atlantic synoptic sea level variability, J. Mar. Res., 54, 451-469.

R.J. Greatbatch, Y. Lu, B. deYoung and J.C. Larsen, 1995, The variation of transport through the Straits of Florida: A barotropic model study, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25(11), 2726-2740.

R.J. Greatbatch and S. Zhang, 1995, An interdecadal oscillation in an idealised ocean basin forced by constant heat flux, J. Climate, 8(1), 81-91.

R.J. Greatbatch, 1994, A note on the representation of steric sea level in models that conserve volume rather than mass, J. Geophys. Res., 99(C6), 12,767-12,771.

S. Zhang, R.J. Greatbatch and C. A. Lin, 1993, A re-examination of the polar halocline catastrophe and implications for coupled ocean-atmosphere models, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23(2), 287-299.

R.J. Greatbatch and A.D. Goulding, 1992, A long-time-scale, density-stratified shelf circulation model, Cont. Shelf Res., 12(1), 115-141.

R.J. Greatbatch, A.F. Fanning, A.D. Goulding and S. Levitus, 1991, A diagnosis of interpentadal circulation changes in the North Atlantic, J. Geophys. Res., 96(C12), 22009-22024.

R. J. Greatbatch and K.G. Lamb, 1990, On parameterizing vertical mixing of momentum in non-eddy-resolving ocean models, J. Phys. Oceanogr. , 20(1), 1634-1637.

R.J. Greatbatch and A.D. Goulding, 1989, Seasonal variations in a linear barotropic model of the North Atlantic driven by the Hellerman and Rosenstein wind stress field, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 19(5), 572-595.
